
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Review of Nobody's Prize by Esther Friesner

Synopsis from Goodreads: "Her older brothers think that the quest for the Golden Fleece is man's work, but not Helen of Sparta. In this sequel to Nobody's Princess, this pretty adventurer disguises herself as a boy and, accompanied by her faithful friend Milo, sets off on the Argo. Keeping her real identity secret on a long sea voyage is no simple matter, but that is only one complication that the future queen of Sparta must confront."

My Review: A great follow up to Nobody's Princess. A fast moving story line, almost too fast at times. Helen continues to grow up and come into her own power and knowledge. The only downfall I had with the story is that the characters change so fast, you start to get attached to a group of characters only for her to leave them behind. You then have to get to know another set of characters very quickly. Even with the short times you spend with each of the characters you really become attached, you feel their triumphs and losses with them. I really enjoyed how neither of the books went into the story we all know about her part in the fall of Troy (except for a tiny bit in the last pages) so the whole story was new and exciting, yet familiar (if that makes any sense at all).

My Rating: Although I really enjoyed this book and read it very quickly I didn't enjoy it quite as much as the first.  So I give it a rating of Three Paws and a Stump Wag.


  1. I still want to get to these. Sigh, one day.

  2. I don't mind loaning them to you, when you finally have time to read them that is ;)
