
Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Top Ten Tuesday: Indie Romance on My TBR




Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish.  It is now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, and you can find the list of topics on her page HERE.

This week was a bit of a freebie topic with just a general Valentine's Day idea.  So I thought I would like to highlight some self-published/independently published romance books on my shelves.  Romance is a favorite genre of mine and I really like supporting self-published authors but it is often difficult to wade through all the searches to find those books.  I have a few that are waiting on my shelves to be read and here are the top 10 that I can't wait to get to. . .

This one came out last year and I was super excited about it but forgot about it since I have an ebook copy and don't check those very often, my physical shelves being more in my face.

The Green Mountain/ Butler Vermont series is one of my all time favorite romance series, and this is the most recent book to be released, in December, but due to the delays in the postal system it didn't get to me until mid January.  Hopefully now I can get the backstory on Linc & Molly Abbott.

This one doesn't even come out until later this month but you better believe it has been pre-ordered and is high on my TBR! I really enjoyed Erin Mallon's writing in the first book, Flirtasaurus, and I honestly hope that she narrates this audio book too because it made me laugh so hard!

I have had this book on my shelf for a couple of years now, but I have really enjoyed Marie Rose Dufour's books and need to get to this collection of stories. I am hoping there are a few in there with some favorite characters from a previous book.

I picked this book up during one of my Covid shopping sprees and it is so intriguing, a female Army Veteran on a mission to track down her man but it is no easy mission. It sound fun and cute and quite possibly full of some great banter.

A couple of years ago I picked up this whole series from one of my favorite local authors but I just wasn't in the mood for a shifter romance at the time. I think it is time to dive in now!

I won this book in a raffle a couple of years ago but don't know why I haven't picked it up; royalty turned cowboy and single dad on top of it, yes please!

I started this series by a local author several years ago and I have the next 5 books on my shelf ready to go.  I am thinking this will be a great binge series since the books are all fairly short and super enjoyable.

I picked this book up years ago after hearing the author discuss it and the way she dives into the relationship roles of Alpha and Beta (not shifter but personality) and I really wanted to read it. Hopefully I can get to it this year.

I met Eliza Carter at an event a couple of years ago and she is such a sweet and fun person to get to know, but I have yet to read any of her books. The second book in this series came out in November, so I really need to get caught up, and who doesn't love Vikings?!

So there are my Top 10 Indie romances on my shelf, putting them all together here makes me even more excited to pick them up.  I love supporting these authors who are putting so much on the line and self publishing their work.  Do you have any self published romances to recommend?


  1. I hope you enjoy all of these books!

    My post:

  2. Love that you highlighted Indie authors! Looks like a great selection of romance books. Hope you enjoy them!

    Here's my TTT post.

  3. This is the first time I have seen Beefcakes but now I need to read it. What a cover!

  4. Oooh! Great you gave some love to the independent authors! Great list!

    Here’s my TTT!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  5. Great ones.
