
Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Graphic Novel Review of In Love & Pajamas by Catana Chetwynd


Read for: Requested Review/ Netgalley/ Graphic Novel

Synopsis: "When you've reached that sweatpants-wearing cozy place in your relationship, it's all In Love & Pajamas!  This brand-new collection of Catana Comics presents some fan favorites and half of the book features never-before-seen comics that delight and amuse readers of all ages.  Wholesome, sweet, feel-good humor!"

My Review:  I adored this book, it perfectly captures the strangeness of the last year. It also did a great job of capturing those unique and tiny moments that make a relationship and make it last through all the struggles of life. The art style is adorable, of course, and I absolutely love it. This is definitely a book I can't wait to add to my shelves and pick up whenever I need that reminder to look at the tiny moments to find the keys to a relationship.

My Rating: I really adored this graphic novel/comic collection, it really captures a sweet and unique relationship, all the little quirks and moments that are found in a relationship. It definitely reminded me to look at those moments in my own marriage and treasure them all the more.  I give it a rating of Four Paws!

I received a complimentary copy of this book via Netgalley, the above is my honest review and opinion.

You can find more about Catana Chetwynd and more of her great comics and graphic novels on her Goodreads Page or Website.

In Love & Pajamas was just released on February 2nd, so you can now obtain your own copy in print or digital format from Amazon or Barnes & Noble or request it at your local library or bookstore.

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