
Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Didn't Get to in 2020



Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish.  It is now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, and you can find the list of topics on her page HERE.

So this week's topic is about the books we didn't get to in 2020 and boy are there a lot!  I will limit it down to the 10 I am definitely going to read this year!


So there are a lot of wintery books on this list and a lot of really chunky books too. I may not get to all of them right away but I am definitely going to read them all in 2021!  Is there any one I should really make sure to pick up first?

What are some of the books you didn't get to in 2020 that you want to make sure you read this year?


  1. The Wolf in the Whale does sound good! I'm also intrigued by The Conspiracy of Truths. That could be so many different genre!

    My post.

    1. I have heard such great things about The Wolf in the Whale and really want to give it a try. The Conspiracy of Truths was a complete cover buy for me but the story sounds so different and interesting.

  2. The Wolf in the Whale? Now that is an intriguing title! These are the books I didn't get around to last year!

    1. And the mix of Inuit & Viking mythology sounds too good to pass up! From what I understand it is a very wintery book, I just need a good snow day to hunker down and read it.

  3. Ahhh, that kitty is so cute, although it looks sad :( I hope everything turns out okay for Snowball! Enjoy all these.

    Happy TTT!

    1. I saw that cover and instantly wanted to read it, I just ran out of time over the holidays to pick it up. It is top of my Christmas pile for this year!

  4. Replies
    1. I definitely will, I have already started chipping away at that stack that lingered from the end of 2020.

  5. There is never enough time for all the books! Thank you for stopping by!
