
Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Top 5 Wednesday: Non-Fiction

   Top 5 Wednesday is a group on Goodreads.

I am very thankful that a user on Goodreads by the name Gabriella has taken over hosting and selecting topics for Top 5 Wednesday and has revived the group, I am loving the new topics.

This week's topic is about Non-Fiction books for Non-Fiction November.  I have to admit that I am really bad at reading non-fiction books. I have ton on my shelves but I just don't reach for them very often. I think because often they need to be read a little more slowly. There are some on my shelf that have been calling to me lately and I find myself wanting to pick them up. 

This feels like a great book for this time of year, when people tend to come together over great food. Granted this year will probably be much different, but this book seems like it will bring a bit of comfort along with some great recipes.

This book has been sitting on my shelf for ages, but it has really been calling to me. Maybe it is because of the lack of connection lately and the need to connect with loved ones and respected people in life before they are gone forever. Either way, I am sure this will be an emotional and bittersweet read.

Several years ago I had the amazing chance to meet Dr. Ruth, she is such an inspiring person to meet, speak with and listen to.  I picked up this book at the time and have yet to actually read it.  Again, I don't know if it is the year we are living in or if it is this time of year but I find myself wanting to read a sentimental book.

Having moved across the country, knowing no one but my husband, I feel this book. It is such a struggle to find new friends in a new location.  All of my friends pretty much came about from an early age, I can't remember the last time I have had to really work to make friends, I can't remember how.  Now as a mom and having to find mom friends, it is even harder! I have been wanting to read this one and it is about time I did. 

Speaking of being a mom, these two ladies crack me up. They find a way to laugh at themselves and find the comedy in parenting. Sometimes you just need to laugh at yourself and commiserate with those struggling the same way you have been.  This is a book to lighten the mood after so many more series or intense books.

Clearly I like books that revolve around food and relationships. What types of Non-Fiction books do you enjoy?

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