
Friday, September 18, 2020

Bedtime Story: Penguin Problems by Jory John and Illustrated by Lane Smith

Read for: Children's Books/ Borrowed Books

Synopsis: "What?!

Oh, you're going to read this book? Somehow I seriously doubt that. I bet you won't even finish reading this flap.

Don't worry about it. Why would you want to learn about some penguin's problems when you have plenty of problems of your own? Just look around. The world's a mess!

Besides, you probably don't even like penguins. Heck, I barely like penguins and I am a penguin.

Seriously, I'll understand if you put the book back on the shelf. Go ahead. It's for the best.

I'm sure you'd just get a bunch of paper cuts, anyway. And you'd probably bend the pages. And you'd get your little fingerprints everywhere.

When was the last time you washed those grubby hands of yours? No offense.


Listen: I'm going back to bed. Read, don't read. Buy, don't buy. Whatever.

Just try not to wake me up.

I'm a light sleeper.

And I have a lot on my mind."

My Review: This is such a great book, for children and adults alike. It is a simple story but with a great message about how we look at the things around us. Our perspective on things can impact our moods. Penguin and Walrus do a great job of reminding the reader of simply changing the way you are looking at things can improve your day. The illustration style is also great, a bit like watercolor with softer edges. This makes a great bedtime story, soothing but it can also be a conversation starter and give something to think about.

My Rating: This was such a great book to read, even as an adult.  Even though Munchkin has outgrown picture books, I think this is still one I need for my shelves.  I give it a rating of Four Paws and Stump Wag.

Good Night! Sweet Dreams!

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