
Monday, July 6, 2020

Blog Tour, Exerpt & Review: Arrogant Bastard by Jennifer Dawson

Today I am excited to share an excerpt and giveaway to celebrate the release of ARROGANT BASTARD by Jennifer Dawson. This is the second standalone novel in the Bastard series and shares Cat and Caden's romance. Enjoy and be sure to download your copy! 

Arrogant Bastard 

Previous Books:
Review of Cold Hearted Bastard
Synopsis: "I’m Cat McKay, and I’m in desperate need of a man. 
My farm manager deserted me six weeks before our grand opening that will help put my family’s business on the map. Now I need to find a replacement, because I’m not about to be the reason we fail. Unfortunately, Caden Landry— whose arrogance, evasions and good looks rub me the wrong way—is my only option on a list of zero candidates. 
So, as much as it pains me to admit it, I need him to step in and save the day. Yeah, I hate it too. 

I’m Caden Landry, and I have a self-destructive streak a mile wide. 

One thing is clear, I need to stay the hell away from my new boss, Cat McKay. Not an easy task, considering she’s the kind of woman I find irresistible. But I’m tired of running, tired of living paycheck to paycheck with nothing but a flatbed to my name. I’m determined this time I’m going to get my life together. 
So, I’m not about to screw a golden opportunity because I can’t keep my hands off the woman in charge. This time, self-preservation will prevail."

My Review: . I found that while reading the previous book, that I really loved the family dynamics in this series and was excited to continue with this book. I ended up finding this book very difficult to read, not because of the writing or anything wrong with it but I connected with and felt Cat on a very deep level. It was almost soul bearing and painful. While I was only able to take this book in small doses because of that, it was still a great book! It is amazing when you can find a character that you connect with so completely. To watch Cat fight through and come out the other side all the better for the battle, it gives me hope. In addition, the chemistry between Caden and Cat was off the charts! Good gordy, the steam coming off the pages of this book! I really enjoyed this journey and look forward to getting more of the McKay family in the future!

My Rating: Even though it was a difficult book for me to get through, it was still a really fantastic read. Maybe I will revisit again when I am in a better mindset myself.  I give it a rating of Four Paws!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Caffeinated PR. The following is my honest review and opinion.

You can find out more about Jennifer Dawson and her books on her Goodreads Page or Website.

Arrogant Bastard was just released in May, so you can now obtain your own copy.

Read an Excerpt

I point to the empty seat at the end of the counter. “Did you not hear me say I want to be alone.”

“I did.”  He points to the shot glass. “You gonna let me do a shot all by myself?”

“You would have been doing it all by yourself if I wasn’t here.”

“But you are here,” he points out, oh so helpfully.

I contemplate irrationally throwing the tequila in his face but that seems a bit too dramatic and wouldn’t really work in my favor. Not only does it show my cards, but it wastes perfectly good alcohol.

Doesn’t mean I can’t work out a deal.

I tilt my head. “If I do a shot with you will you leave me alone?”

“Probably not.”  He grins.

I think he intends it to be all good-natured and disarming, but it doesn’t come across like that at all.

Heat kicks up low in my belly.  I shake my head. “You know, I kinda hate you.”

“Oh, I know you do.” He laughs, and it hardens my nipples under the thin cotton of my tank top.

“I find you annoying.”  I straighten my spine, feeling all justified. Which is probably the liquor. But isn’t that the point in drinking? To justify your actions while you’re in the headspace to not give a shit about the consequences.

“You don’t say.” He drinks his beer before placing it on the bar and shifting toward me. “What else?”

“You’re infuriating.”

“Not the first time I’ve heard that.”

I wrinkle my nose. “You think you know everything.”

“Not everything, but most things.”

I’m on a roll now and it feels good to let loose of the reins a little, I’ve been strung too tight for too long. I need to snap a little to find some balance.  “I hate how everyone likes you.”

He flashes that smile at me. “That is frustrating.”

I roll my eyes at him. “Oh my god, stop it.”

“I’m just listening to your list of grievances.”

“Well, stop it.”

He picks up his glass and tilts it in my direction. “About that shot.” 

Bastard Series
