
Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Top 10 Tuesday: Books on My Summer TBR

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish.  It is now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, and you can find the list of topics on her page HERE.

Happy 10th Birthday Top Ten Tuesday!!  In celebration of their birthday this week, the topic was left open but I really wanted to do last week's topic.  So here we have the top 10 books I want to read this summer. . .

I want to read not only Ink and Bone, but the entire 5 book The Great Library Series. These books have been on my shelves for a few years now and the final book came out last year, so why not binge the entire series?!

Speaking of series I want to read, after just re-reading The Tiger's Daughter, I am ready to read the other two books in the trilogy. They are hefty but I think they will totally be worth it. 

Being cooped up in the house for 3 1/2 months, managing the house, teaching my son, working full time, with my husband working outside the house every day has really drawn me to this book. It looks like it will be a book I will be able to relate to entirely!

For me, summer means romance, especially paranormal/shifter romance. So again not only do I want to read Wolf Kiss, but the entire 5 book Warrior Wolves Series, it is complete and will be a completely binge worthy series on a long weekend.

Normally I save the heavy fantasy for the fall and winter, but this one is giving me tropical jungle vibes. So I feel like reading it in the muggy summer days will make it all the more atmospheric.

August for me has become a pirate filled month, and it is about time that I got back to the series that started it all for me. Seafire is what sparked my idea for Arr-gust but I haven't read the second book yet, and with the 3rd due out this fall, it is time to read Steal Tide.

On that same note, I met Lisa Olech at the Fall In Love with New England romance event last year and she totally sold me on her pirate book.  This needs to be read on the beach this summer!

Another series that really got me into the pirate books was Dark Shores, and now I have this, the second book in the series, in my hands,  I am a little worried that we will be getting away from the sea adventures in this one but I am still very excited to read it.

This book has been on my TBR for the last 2 months, it has been calling out to me big time. I just need to make it more of a priority and dig my teeth into this chunky fantasy.

So there are 10(+) books on my summer TBR.  Of course I have many more especially all the requested reviews I need to catch up on, but I cannot wait for these. With all of our travel plans canceled for this summer, and all the remaining construction on the house being done by contractors, I am planning on taking full advantage of our stay-cations!

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