
Friday, May 8, 2020

Tome Topple Sign Up & Updates

Just when I was thinking I needed another reading challenge or readathon to keep momentum going, along comes Tome Topple, one of my favorites!  This time Tome Topple runs from May 9th (already begun) through May 22nd, which coincides with both Bout of Books Readathon and Medievalathon, so that is exciting that books read now will count towards multiple readathons.

 I discovered the Tome Topple Challenge through Sam at Thoughts on Tomes on Youtube and the Readathon is hosted as a Goodreads Group. The goal for this challenge is to tackle the Tomes on your shelf, books over 500 pages.

There are a few challenges to help you along, but are not a requirement.  Those updated challenges are A) Tome that has been on your TBR the longest, B) An Audiobook Tome, C) Tome that is part of a series, D) A standalone Tome, E) Read one Tome, F) Tome featuring an Asian American/Pacific Islander character or written by a AAPI author, G) Tome from a genre you don't normally read, H) Tome on TBR with the highest page count, and I) An adult Tome  (There is also a photo challenge this time around on Instagram, check it out @ThoughtsonTomes)

I will try to post updated at the bottom of this post every few days but I will also be posting on Instagram @EasternSunset9

So here is my Tomes to be Toppled:
Wrath by John Gwynne (Audiobook Tome)- 720 pages

Re-read Tiger's Daughter by K. Arsenault Rivera (AAIP Characters) - 526

The Summer Dragon by Todd Lockwood (Adult Tome)- 512 pages - This one has been calling my name from the shelf, so why not. 

The Ranger of Marzanna by Jon Skovron (In a series Tome)- 528 pages

If by some miracle I finish all these, here are a couple more on my potential list:
The Phoenix Empress by K. Arsenault Rivera - 544 pages
The Eyes of Tamburah by Maria V. Snyder - 512 pages
The Wolf in the Whale by Jordanna Max Brodsky - 544 pages

Are you participating in the Tome Topple? If yes what are you reading?  What is your nemesis Tome?



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