
Friday, May 1, 2020

April 2020 Wrap Up & May TBR

All in all this turned out to be a much better reading month than I expected.  Once I figured out a new routine and managed to start being able to listen to audio books while working at home, the books started adding up.  I thoroughly enjoyed nearly every book I read this month.  I have a bunch more books that I wanted to get to but things are looking up in the book world for me.

First and foremost is my only actual challenge for the  year . . .

TBR Books from the Past 3 Years:
I read 4 books off the TBR list from the last 3 years, again, not as many as I wanted to read but I am just happy to be making progress.


I also read 1 book off my older TBR (not included in the last 3 years of hauls):

2020 Books added to TBR & Read:
Since I am also limiting my book purchases this year and trying to keep up with reading them, I figured I better add a section to show you the new additions I have read.
I also DNFed George and Lizzie

April Additions:
It has been a fine balance this month between trying to support my local bookstores and not going way overboard on my book purchases.  To balance this out, I have been purchasing books I have already read and wanted to add to my collection (I have left these books off the list to keep things shorter).  But I did pick up some new books this month.

In other reading I am tracking this year, I read . . .

4. All Systems Red
5. Artificial Condition
6. Rogue Protocol 

Borrowed Books:

Books Over 500 Pages:

Requested Reviews:
Rascal (Netgalley)
Race the Sands (Netgalley)
Love's Recipe (Netgalley)
Starbreaker (Netgalley)
Home (Pump Up Your Book)
Alya and the Three Cats (Netgalley)
Ronan and the Mermaid (Netgalley)

January Reading Stats:
I read a total of 22 books this month
2,398 pages read and 4 days, 6 hours and 36 minute of listening

Resolutions Check in:
1. Read that TBR: I don't think my goal of 8-9 books from my TBR was really reasonable for this year, I am definitely averaging 4-6 and I think that is okay, I may just have to reduce my expectations - :(
2. Purchase Less Books:While I didn't quite stick to my one book a week goal, I did purchase less books than I have in past years and way less than last month (next month however has a lot of big releases coming up!) - CHECK
3. Read Big Books: I did manage to read one book over 500 pages, it was a review book and not one off my TBR shelf but it still counts. - CHECK 
4. Interact: I have been insanely busy this last month so haven't had much time on line between teaching my son and working full time, so I am giving myself a pass until life gets back to a normal scheduled- :/ 


I have a hefty TBR for May, not only are there a ton of new releases, but there are also 3 readathons coming up and Children's Book Week! I will have separate TBRs for the readathons but here are the books that I want to read outside of those events this month.

For TBR List
Summer Retreat
The One and Only Bob
Uncommon Type
Queen's Peril
The Betrothed
The Girl and the Stars
Network Effect

How is everyone doing? Are you escaping into books or having a hard time fitting it into your new schedules?

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