
Monday, March 9, 2020

Monday Reading List

It is Monday again, and time to update with what I read last week, what I am currently reading and what to look forward to next week.

Reviews Posted Last Week:
Links will take you to my review

Pop Flies, Robo-Pets and Other Disasters by Suzanne Kamata
How to Tie a Shoe and Other Big Adventures by Skip Hill (Bedtime Story)
Real Friends by Shannon Hale (Graphic Novel)

 Books Finished Last Week:
Reviews will be posted at a later date

The Test
Queen of Nothing
Firefly Letters
Real Friends
Alekizou and His Terrible Library Plot
Elephant's Guide to Hide and Seek
The Book of Three
The Lifters
The Bear and the Nightingale
The Last Couple Standing

Currently Reading:

Last Man by Mary Shelley - Audio/Print - on page 105 of 432

Pages Read/ Time Listened
166:48 Hours Listened (24:44 listened this week)
8,516 Pages Read (1,325 this week)

Books Added to Shelves Recently: TBR
White Rose
Stealing Thunder (gift)
The Eyes of Tamburah (gift)
The Wolf in the Whale
~~~~~~~~~~March Birthday Waiver Books ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The Red Pencil
The Rain Dragon Rescue
The Order of the Unicorn
The Book of Boy
The Firefly Letters - READ
All the Wandering Light
Life on the Leash
George and Lizzie
Phoenix Unbound
The Library of Ever
Family Pets
The Last Man
Magic Bites
Fantasy Lover
Night Pleasures
The Midnight Lie
You Can't F*ck Up Your Kids  (gift)
Mary Shelley Monster Hunter Vol. 1
The Caged Queen
The Mum Who'd Had Enough
Ash and Quill
The Voyage to Magical North
I Needed a Viking
Smoke and Iron
Hurricane Dancers
The Overdue Life of Amy Byler
The Test - READ
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End Birthday Waiver~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


This last week was a fantastic kickoff to my reading month.  I did continue to pick up a few more books here and there as part of my birthday spree. Some won't arrive for some time from Book Depository but I added all that I ordered to the list already.  I kind of wish I had written down all the books I was getting so I would see how quickly they added up. Oh well, I am really excited to read these books and they will keep me busy for a while now. Since today is my actual birthday, I am not going to feel any guilt over this little splurge, just work hard to get back to the limited purchases and use my library more.

With all that said, I am so happy with how my reading month is going so far! I have read 5 books for Middle Grade March so far, 2 Library books and 3 requested reviews.  While I am going backwards on my TBR goals, I still feel like I have accomplished a lot in this first week.  In other news, who else is ready for some beach reads?! It is over 60 here today and I am in the mood to sit outside and enjoy some sunshine!

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