
Friday, January 31, 2020

January 2020 Wrap Up & February TBR

Gosh it is always a little weird wrapping up the first month of the year, the list of books read always looks so small after seeing final numbers from last year. But this month, while it started out rather slow, really picked up steam and I manage to read so many books!  As in year's past I will post updates on the challenges I have set for myself this year, as well as the new books I have picked up.  I am going to try a slightly different format from my years past so you will have to let me know what you think.

First and foremost is my only actual challenge for the  year . . .

TBR Books from the Past 3 Years:
I read 5 books off the TBR list from the last 3 years, not quite as many as I wanted but I am pretty happy with this number.

I also DNFed one book off the last 3 years of TBR books:

I also read 3 more books off my older TBR (not included in the last 3 years of hauls):

January Additions:
As I said earlier this year, I am trying to limit the number of books I purchase to 1 a week, not including gifts.  This month I didn't quite stick to that due to a purchase I forgot about in December that didn't arrive until this month. 

While I did add more books than I had wanted to my shelves this month, The Raven's Tale was a gift, so technically I only went 1 over on my purchases.  I have also read 3 of these already and have plans to read the other 3 very early in February!

In other reading I am tracking this year, I read . . .


Borrowed Books:

Books Over 500 Pages:
1. A Plague of Giants (624)

2. A Blight of Blackwings (512)

Requested Reviews:
By Design (Caffinated PR)
Nameless Queen (Netgalley)
Risk It All (Netgalley)
The Snow Bear (Netgalley)
Come Tumbling Down (Netgalley)
Belle Revolte (Direct/Netgalley) - DNF

A Blight of Blackwings (Netgalley) *

January Reading Stats:
I read a total of 23 books this month
3,013 pages read and 3 days, 5 hours and 56 minute of listening

Resolutions Check in:
1. Read that TBR: While I didn't read as many books as I had initially hoped for this month (Requested reviews kind of took over), I did manage to read 5 and DNF 1 from my priority list.  On average to remove 100 books from my TBR list I need to read 8-9 books, but I am going to call this month a win, it was a good start.  - CHECK
2. Purchase Less Books: I am trying to limit myself to only 1 book purchase a week and I got very close with 5 purchases and a gift. I only went 1 over and tomorrow would be another week so I just won't pick one up tomorrow, so again not technically a win but I am going to count it for progress sake!- CHECK
3. Read Big Books: I am once again trying to read those big books on my shelves. So with a goal of 10 books over 500 pages, I have to really get cracking. With that said with my reading tracking last year, I discovered that early in the year is when I tend to reach for those chunkier reads and this month was no different with 2 over 500 pages (and 1 just 5 pages short of 500) - CHECK 
4. Interact: I have pulled so much into my little corner of the internet that I have almost zero interactions each week.  So I have been pushing myself, I have joined in with a few meme series, Top 10 Tuesday and Can't Wait Wednesday as well as pushed myself to comment on other blogs as well as interacted with others on Instagram. It is hard to get out of the habit of being a silent watcher but we have progress - CHECK


Now I get to look forward to February's TBR! We have some fun things going on this month, I have a few more Requested Reviews to read, we have Tome Topple in the middle of the month and I need to get cracking on my TBR list.  So I have decided what books I don't manage to read on my TBR list this month will be subject to a Try a Chapter Challenge.  So here are the books on my list for the month . . .

For TBR List
The Raven's Tale
The Language of Fire
Steel Crow Saga
The Winter King
The Bromance Book Club
Wastelander Awakening
The Half-Drowned King
Freeing Her Dragons
Not the Girl You Marry
The Bridge Kingdom
Shadow Frost

How has your kick off to this year's challenges gone? Are you happy with the fresh start of the new year? What challenge are you most looking forward to completing?

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