
Monday, January 6, 2020

Bout of Books #27: Sign Up & Updates

Time again for my favorite readathon! I love how Bout of Books stretches throughout the whole week and allows for me to work it around my schedule.

Here is the information you need in case you want to sign up too!

The Bout of Books read-a-thon is organized by Amanda Shofner and Kelly Rubidoux Apple. It is a week long read-a-thon that begins 12:01am Monday, January 6th and runs through Sunday, January 12th in whatever time zone you are in. Bout of Books is low-pressure. There are challenges, Twitter chats, and a grand prize, but all of these are completely optional. For all Bout of Books 27 information and updates, be sure to visit the Bout of Books blog. - From the Bout of Books team


So this post is going to be my base for the week, I will continue to come back and update it each day with my progress (as I already have a lot of posts planned for this week and don't want things too jumbled up).  I will also be updating on Instagram @EasternSunset9

Time Devoted to Reading
I would like to read between 3-4 hours each day and read about 200 pages each day.


My Goals
Read a total of 1,200 pages
Read at least 3 hours each day
Read a total of 4 books
Read/Finish 1-2 Requested Review Books

Books to Read
The Very, Very Far North - 265 pages
They Called Us Enemy - 208 pages
Risk It All - 352 pages (8:36 audio) *currently reading @ page 47
Nameless Queen - 352 pages *currently reading @ page 153
Come Tumbling Down - 208 pages
The Drum that Beats Within Us - 128 pages

Other Possible Books
Plum Crazy Vol. 2 - 180 Pages
The Bird and the Blade - 446 pages (10:12 audio)
Given - 352 pages
A Plague of Giants - 624 pages
The Little Book of Hygge - 356 pages (3:13 audio)


Number of Pages I've Read Today: 202
Total Number of Pages: 202
Time Spent Reading Today: 3.5 hours
Total Number of Books I've Read: 3 (Nameless Queen, Risk It All & The Very, Very Far North)
Books Completed: None
Thoughts: I got off to a bit of a slow start with my readathon, but I met my goal for the day.  It was extremely busy in the office and allowed for very little time to read.  I did listen to 2 hours of audio book while cleaning the house, then I picked up The Very, Very Far North and read the first chapter (it is super cute and I will probably read it to Munchkin soon) and the rest of the evening I read Nameless Queen.  I hope to finish Nameless Queen today and maybe listen to a couple more hours of Risk It All while Munchkin has basketball practice.

Number of Pages I've Read Today: 238
Total Number of Pages: 440
Time Spent Reading Today: 4 hours
Total Number of Books I've Read: 3 (currently reading Nameless Queen & The Very, Very Far North)
Books Completed: 1 (Risk It All)
Thoughts: It was still a really busy day at the office but I did squeeze in some reading time here and there. Thank goodness for audio books! I listened to Risk It All in the car on away to appointments and then I got another hour of listening in during Munchkin's basketball practice and another hour while doing chores at the end of the night.  I am hoping for a bit more reading time today and hope to get the second and possibly the third requested review read this week (I really need to get cracking on these because I was suddenly approved for nearly every book I requested on Netgalley).

Number of Pages I've Read Today: 168
Total Number of Pages: 608
Time Spent Reading Today: 2.5 hours
Total Number of Books I've Read: 5 (currently reading A Plague of Giants & The Very, Very Far North)
Books Completed: 3 (Risk It All, Nameless Queen & My Big Bear, My Little Bear and Me)
Thoughts: Due to an IT person working on my office computer for half the day and then being taken down by a migraine last night, I didn't get nearly as much reading done as I would have liked. With that said I have now finished 3 requested review books this week! I do want to finish one more but we will see how the day goes as it looks like I will not have a whole lot of access to my computer again today.

Number of Pages I've Read Today: 280
Total Number of Pages: 888
Time Spent Reading Today: 4.5 hours
Total Number of Books I've Read: 7 (currently reading A Plague of Giants & Come Tumbling Down)
Books Completed: 4 (Risk It All, Nameless Queen, My Big Bear My Little Bear and Me & The Snow Bear).
Thoughts: I had a little more reading time in the office and managed to read another requested review and start a 5th one.  I still had a bit of a lingering headache though so opted after dinner to go lay down and listen to the audio book for A Plague of Giants as opposed to straining my eyes to read.  I think it is time to go get my eyes checked again.

Number of Pages I've Read Today: 
Total Number of Pages: 
Time Spent Reading Today:
Total Number of Books I've Read: 
Books Completed:

Saturday & Sunday
Number of Pages I've Read Today: 
Total Number of Pages: 
Time Spent Reading Today:
Total Number of Books I've Read: 
Books Completed:



I don't often participate in the challenges but if I do they will be posted here.

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