
Monday, October 21, 2019

Monday Reading List

It is Monday again, and time to update with what I read last week, what I am currently reading and what to look forward to next week.

Reviews Posted Last Week:
Links will take you to my review

Annihilation by Jeff VanderMeer
The Missing Bookshop by Katie Chapman
The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
Lunch or What's That? by Julianne Moore ( Early Reader)
Kingdom of Exiles by Maxym M. Martineau (Date Night/After Dark)

 Books Finished Last Week:
Reviews will be posted at a later date

Christmas Angels
Mrs. Miracle Christmas
Frankenstein A Parody

Currently Reading:

Fireborne by Rosaria Munda - Ebook - on page 36 of 448
Secret Hunger by Satin Russell - Print - on page 86 of 361
Capturing the Devil by Kerri Maniscalco - Audio/Print - 42%
A Family Under the Christmas Tree by Terri Reed - Print - on page 17 of  226

Pages Read/ Time Listened
518:04 Hours Listened (5:37 listened this week)
28,237 Pages Read (400 this week)

Books Added to Shelves Recently: TBR
Year One
Girl Who Drank the Moon
King of Scars
Dactyl Hill Squad
The Darkdeep
Lord of the Fading Lands
Shadow of Doubt
Gates of Stone
A Conspiracy of Truths
Vortex Visions
Through the White Wood
Descendant of the Crane
Dark Harmony
The Sea Queen
The Mountain of Kept Memory
Misfits of Avalon Vol. 1
Misfits of Avalon Vol. 2
The Sea King
Ride Hard
Ride Rough
Ride Wild
Force of Attraction
Primal Force
Rival Forces
A Rogue by Any Other Name
A Scot in the Dark
The Day of the Duchess
The Pirate Bride
Man Made Boy
This Monstrous Thing
Dear Santa
An Endless Christmas
Christmas Magic
Falling Softly
Christmas Town
The Christmas Star
Gris Grimly's Frankenstein
The Strange Case of the Alchemist's Daughter
We Hunt the Flame
Dreaming the Bear
The Monsters We Deserve
Strange Star
Ghostly Tales from the Lost Summer of 1816
Storm and Fury
Honeybees and Frenemies
Master & Apprentice
The Chosen
The Readers of Broken Wheel Recommend
Mortal Engines
Evvie Drake Starts Over
Merciful Crow
The Bridge Kingdom
A Crash of Fate
Black Spire
Capturing the Devil
The Testaments
The Missing Bookshop
The Warrior Moon
A Thousand Roads Home
The Sasquatch Escape
The Lonely Lake Monster
The Blacksmith Queen
Klaus Vol. 2
Molly and the Cat Cafe
Plum Crazy Vol. 2
Plum Crazy Vol. 3
Plum Crazy Vol. 4
A Walk One Winter Night
Loving My Actual Christmas
A Family Under the Christmas Tree
The White Christmas Inn
There Will Come a Darkness
Shadow Frost
How to Love a Duke in 10 Days
How to Catch a Wicked Viscount


Boy does having hubby at home really cut into my reading time! Granted I absolutely love having time with him again but gosh darn it when I am ready to settle into a couple chapters, he insists upon interrupting me ever few minutes! Oh well, we will figure out a balance again.  It was a hectic week last week too, it was a short week in the office so was super busy there. And it was a short week at home too since I left on Friday morning for the Fall in Love with New England romance convention and was there all weekend. I had a great time and really enjoyed some quiet time and fun with fellow book lovers.  It was great to reconnect with others I have seen in the past and to meet some new people as well. I did go a little nuts at the book sale and ended up picking up 26 new books (yikes I think I am cut off for the year now)!  I returned home on Sunday to scrambling to clean up the house for the week (never leave guys at home alone) and got to meet my nearly 1 year old niece for the first time!!

Even though last week was utter chaos, it was a great week and one that certainly rekindled the soul a bit!  Now I am looking forward to getting some more reading in and getting busy on wrapping up some of the construction on the house before winter catches up with us.  I also have to get cracking on my Christmas cards!

In the mean time, I will be starting to post a few Frankenstein inspired books later this week!!


  1. I read 2 Oscar Wilde plays recently for #Victober and loved them - The Importance of Being Earnest and A Woman of No Importance. How was Dorian Gray?

    1. I am going to have to look into Victober for next year! For all the hype around Dorian Gray, I was rather underwhelmed. So many rank it right up there with the ultimate Gothic horrors next to Frankenstein, so it was a bit of a let down. I don't think I have read any of Wilde's plays, maybe I will try those out instead.
