
Thursday, August 22, 2019

Arrg-ust Review of Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson

Read for: Beat the Backlist & Classics Challenge

Synopsis: "A mysterious seaman hides at a country inn; cut-throats raid a sleepy English village; suddenly, young Jim Hawkins becomes the owner of a map leading to a lost tropical island and a fortune in stolen gold. Three adventures--Jim, Squire Trelawney, and Dr. Livesey--set out to find the treasure. — But they trust the one they should most fear, Long John Silver. Charming, brave ruthless, murderous, Silver fills the squire's ship with pirates. And on the desolate, fever-infested island, the quest for gold becomes a deadly war of hide and seek. Desperate defenders against merciless killers battling over a cursed treasure won with blood, buried with blood, sought with blood. Incredible wealth that Jim and his friends can only claim..."

My Review: Believe it or not I never read this one before but I have been wanting to, especially since I have this beautiful copy sitting on my shelves. I don't really have time lately to sit down and read the print copy so I downloaded the audio book. I am thinking that maybe other than Frankenstein, Classics just aren't for me anymore. It was a bit tedious to get through and there were a lot of characters to keep straight, and new didn't really get to know many of them that well either. I did find it great that Jim wasn't just magically perfect at everything he tried, he was bumbling his way through the adventure. And it was quite the adventure full of danger, double-crossing, swashbuckling and black powder pistols. Maybe if I was a young teen boy looking for this type of adventure I would have been more into it but that is not who I am (and lets be honest, kids now would be bored with the slower writing style of a classic like this).

My Rating: I am glad I decided to pick up a different narration of this book otherwise I never would have finished it.  I did enjoy it but it definitely wasn't a favorite and I probably won't be reading it again.  I give it a rating of Two Paws.


  1. I'm glad you somewhat enjoyed this. I love this story. I enjoyed all the movie adaptations when I was kid, and I liked the book.

    1. I don't remember watching any video adaptations but I think it would translate better. I think I am just a little over a lot of classics. I read so much all the time that I don't have the patience for them anymore.
