
Thursday, August 29, 2019

Arrg-ust Review of Star Wars: Pirate's Price by Lou Anders

Read for: Recently Added

Synopsis:  "All-new adventures starring Han Solo, Chewbacca, and Hondo Ohnaka aboard the Millennium Falcon!

Hello, my friends! It is I, Hondo Ohnaka, greatest pirate in the galaxy, hero of the Rebellion, and if you believe that Obi-Wan Kenobii guy, a villain, too. But what did he know? 

I am here to tell you stories of that most amazing ship, the Millennium Falcon, including my very first time on board and a few occasions when I actually flew the Falcon myself! And I did a great job of it, too. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise! 

Oh, there might be a familiar Wookie in the stories. And that Han Solo guy. He had a way of popping up. And some other people you may know. And some you may not. 

So hang on tight, because this adventure is traveling at lightspeed and it's going to be a wild ride!"

My Review: I am really enjoying this telling of legendary tales and this time we get three stories involving the Falcon. I really enjoyed Hondo's narration of the story, a bit unreliable but still so much fun. We also get the crew we all know and love of Han and Chewie. I like how the stories take place in vastly different time periods in the saga, from post clone wars to after the Last Jedi, but it is done in such a way that it doesn't give away too much. As far as I know this is the second book in this series and I don't see any others available but I really hope we get more in this style of older characters telling stories in a cantina.

My Rating: I had so much fun reading this book and what better book to have during my pirate month!  These were fun and while written for a younger audience, any fan would enjoy this one. I give it a rating of Four Paws!


  1. I love that you found a Star Wars book to fit the pirate theme.

    1. I was so thrilled that I was able to squeeze it in! Space pirates might be my favorite LOL!
