
Saturday, August 17, 2019

Arrg-ust Graphic Novel Review of Compass South by Hope Larson & Illustrated by Rebecca Mock

Read for: Graphic Novel & Borrowed Books

Synopsis: "It’s 1860 in New York City. When 12-year-old twins Alexander and Cleopatra’s father disappears, they join the Black Hook Gang and are caught by the police pulling off a heist. They agree to reveal the identity of the gang in exchange for tickets to New Orleans. But once there, Alex is shanghaied to work on a ship that is heading for San Francisco via Cape Horn. Cleo stows away on a steamer to New Granada where she hopes to catch a train to San Francisco to find her brother. Neither Alexander nor Cleo realizes the real danger they are in — they are being followed by pirates who think they hold the key to treasure. How they outwit the pirates and find each other makes for a fast-paced, breathtaking adventure."

My Review: In my search for pirate books I came across this one, I had never heard of it before but was intrigued. I enjoyed the story, it is definitely a journey full of action and mystery. The characters Cleo and Alex really develop a lot as the story moves along and I really like where they end up by the end, having each been on their own personal journeys. It does get a bit confusing once the other set of twins Edwin and his brother (I can't remember his name for the life of me) join up. The art style was great and really suited the era setting of the story. I am curious to see what adventures they set out on next.

My Rating: I enjoyed this one, it was a fairly quick read that could be enjoyed by many age groups. Action and danger kept you turning pages to find out what happened next.  I give it a rating of Three Paws and a Stump Wag.

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