
Saturday, April 13, 2019

Tome Topple Sign Up

The end of the year is looming and so is my stack of big books to read before the end of the year! Thank goodness it is time for another Tome Topple Readathon!

By the time the post goes up, the readathon will have already started, it started on April 13th at midnight and it will run for two weeks until 11:59pm on April 26th. I hopefully will have started my first book but since I have been sick we will see how far I get.

 I discovered the Tome Topple Challenge through Sam at Thoughts on Tomes on Youtube and the Readathon is hosted as a Goodreads Group. The goal for this challenge is to tackle the Tomes on your shelf, books over 500 pages. 

There are a few challenges to help you along, but are not a requirement.  Those updated challenges are A) read an Adult tome, B) read the tome that has been on your TBR the longest, C) read a tome in a genre you don't usually read, D) read a tome that is part of a series, and E) read more than one tome.  (There is also a photo challenge this time around on Instagram, check it out @ThoughtsonTomes)

I will try to post updated at the bottom of this post every few days but I will also be posting on Instagram @EasternSunset9

So here is my Tomes to be Toppled:

Wundersmith: The Calling of Morrigan Crow by Jessica Townsend - 525 pages
I need to read this one for the Booktube SFF Shortlist. It is middle grade and even though it is pretty long, I imagine it should be a fairly easy read.

Crown of Feathers by Nicki Pau Preto - 496 pages
Yes, it is just under 500 pages but I felt like it was close enough. I had pre-ordered this one on Audible but hadn't picked it up yet, so I thought this would be good push to stay on top of those new purchases.

Outlander by Diana Gabaldon - 850 pages
I have had this sitting on my TBR shelf for a couple of years now, but it is so gosh darn chunky! I may not get through the full thing but I hope to at least get a good chunk done and decided if I will be continuing the series. I have downloaded the Audio book on Audible and requested the ebook from the library to hopefully help keep the pages turning on this one.

Are you participating in the Tome Topple? If yes what are you reading?  What is your nemesis Tome?




  1. I try not to be intimidated by tomes, but I still put them off for a shorter book.

    1. I have been better about reading them in the past couple of years and they have ended up ranking in my top reads but I still struggle with reading quick easy reads over them. I still haven't even picked up one of these yet.
