
Monday, April 8, 2019

Monday Reading List

It is Monday again, and time to update with what I read last week, what I am currently reading and what to look forward to next week.

Reviews Posted Last Week:
Links will take you to my review

Wicked Saints by Emily A. Duncan
The Cruel Prince by Holly Black (Series Review)
Wicked King by Holly Black (Series Review)
The Panda Problem by Deborah Underwood (Bedtime Story)
The Adventure Zone: Here There Be Gerblins by Clint McElroy, (Graphic Novel)

 Books Finished Last Week:
Reviews will be posted at a later date

Animal Adventures
Laura & Nellie
School Days
Saga Vol. 8
Saga Vol. 9
Mouse Guard: Legends of the Guard Vol. 2

Currently Reading:
Malice by John Gwynne - Print - on page 368 of 672

Pages Read/ Time Listened
213:17 Hours Listened (none listened this week)
9,728 Pages Read (786 this week)

Books Added to Shelves Recently: TBR
The Snow Gypsy

So this last week of reading did not go as well as I had hoped, even Dewey's was a bit of a slack off.  It was a busy week and I did get a lot read in my chunky read but I am loosing steam after focusing sole on it.  Saturday Dewey's was a bit of a bust too, I had a ton of errands to run and I had Munchkin most of the day while Hubby worked. While I did convince him to do some reading, that was quickly pushed aside for the first beautiful weekend day. We ended up outside playing baseball and basketball a good chunk of the day. Honestly, I am not even that sad about it. All that sunshine and fresh air wore us out so we all went to bed pretty early (which after bedtime is my usual reading time).  Then Sunday was another beautiful day so we went for a nice long 3 mile walk and then we had WildKratts Live in the afternoon, followed by extended family visiting in the evening. 

We are definitely already well into our busy season, baseball starts on Thursday this week and we have a birthday party this weekend.  It is looking like it will be another slow reading week. My main goal is to finish Malice and maybe one other shorter read before diving into Tome Topple starting this weekend!

Do you find it hard to read when the weather gets nice?

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