
Saturday, January 12, 2019

The Series That Never . . . Ends Challenge Sign Up

I know, like I need another reading challenge on my list, but as you know I almost always do some kind of series challenge and when I came across this one I knew it was perfect.  Over the past year or so I have really taken a step back from the romance genre because it hasn't been really popular here on the blog, but I have really missed it.  So I am going to bring it back and if it doesn't interest you than you can just skip those posts, I will be bringing them back as After Dark posts randomly and they will always be posted late in the evening after the kids go to bed ;)

Anyway, back to the challenge, The Series that Never . . . Ends Challenge is hosted by Shari at The Delighted Reader.  The goal is to catch up or read those longer romance series that have gotten away from you.  

The rules are a little different than what you usually see which I find fun . . .
* The minimum goal is 5 books.
* The books have to be in the same series and by the same author(s).
* Only romance series are accepted. Any sub-genre of romance accepted.
* Sign up between Now – November 30, 2019.

And there are different levels that you can join too . . .
Level One – 5-9 books – Surviving the Book TsunamiLevel Two – 10-15 books – Removing the Thorn From My SideLevel Three – 15 books or more – Goddess of Reading the Never Ending Series

So based on those rules and levels, I will probably be completing this challenge a couple of times this year.  

The main driving force behind this series is catching up on Marie Force's other series, I loved the Green Mountain/ Butler VT series but have a lot more books to read by this super author. Now I am not sure which series to tackle first so I will just list them for now and see what my library has available.

Level Three - Gansett Island Series
There are currently 20 books out in the Gansett Island Series and I have only read the first book, and there are more coming out I believe! Yikes!

Level Three - Fatal Series
The Fatal Series  currently has 13 books out and 14 & 15 both due to release this year! I have only read the first little novella and have a lot of catching up to do.

So obviously that is already a lot but I will just have to pick which one of those series to read.  I also have a few more that I need to catch up on . . .

Level One - Warrior Wolves Series
I loved Christine Depetrillo's Maple Leaf series but my time away from romance left me in the dark about this series.  The 5th book was just released in December and I did manage to pick up the first four at an author event so time to get caught up with this series!

Level Two - Mackenzies & McBrides Series
I loved the first book in the Mackenzies & McBrides series and wanted to read more, a year later I read the second book and said I wanted to read this series soon, I picked up a few of the books at a used bookstore and that was it, it has been nearly a year and I haven't read anymore yet.  There are 9 books in this series and I need to get moving because book 10 comes out next week!

Level One - Chronicles of the Warlands
Finally, isn't it crazy when you think a series is finished, you read the whole thing and then a few years later discover more books have been released?! I read books 1-4 of the Warlands Series in 2011 and while I absolutely loved the series, I thought that was it, but recently when I was trying to add favorite books to my shelves in print, I discovered 2 new books have been released in 201 and 2018! Luckily, I was thinking it was time for a re-read so had already planned on this being on my list, but now I have 2 more books to read.

So there are just a few of the romance series I need to catch up on, boy do I have my work cut out for me but I am excited to pick up more books by favorite authors and re-visit some favorite characters! Most of all I am so excited to be getting back into the romance genre more, I have missed those character connections, spunky heroines and gruff heroes, witty banter and more!

Are there any series that you ended up way behind and want to catch up on? Even if it isn't romance let me know down below.

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