
Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Top 5 Wednesday: Tomes on TBR

Top 5 Wednesday is a group on Goodreads hosted by Sam from Thoughts on Tomes on Youtube.

So the Tome Topple Readathon, also run by Sam from Thoughts on Tomes is returning soon and the topic for today is to discuss the top 5 largest books on our TBR.  Funny enough, to keep Munchkin busy one day I sent him on a mission to find the biggest book on my TBR shelf (at least the one upstairs which contains the books I really want to get to soon). I am going to list the largest books on my TBR not the order I want to read them in or priority or series, etc.  Also I am only using books that I physically have on my shelves, if we went to books I want to read the list would be too difficult to narrow down, also excluded are books I have already read. There are different page counts for different editions, this is based on the page counts of my specific books.

So let's see what he found 

In a tie for 5th at 722 pages we have Name of the Wind and The Lies of Locke Lamora. 

At 4th we have the Forgetting Moon at 800 pages

In 3rd place we have Lonesome Dove at 858 pages

In second place stands A Wall of Storms with 880 pages

And coming in first place, which probably isn't much of a surprise for anyone, is The Wise Man's Fear at 1,000 pages

No wonder my physical shelves are running out of space with these chunky books on them! I find it a little crazy that to even get on the top 5 list a book had to be over 700 pages!  I had several that were in the 600 range too. I have been pushing myself to read bigger books and had challenged myself to 12 over 450 pages for the year (I think I am sitting at 10 so far), but I am thinking for next year I need to push the page count goal to 600.  I know a few of these are on my Must Read in 2019 list already. 

So what are some of the longest books on your TBR?  What has been your favorite long book to read?


  1. I have a few. I'm looking around on my shelf and I see Fearless by Cornelia Funke, Magnus Chase, Beautiful Darkness, Beautiful Chaos, and a bunch of the Sisterhood of Traveling Pants books. I thought I didn't have any because I tend to read 400 pages or less (any more I thought I've already read because they tend to be in a series I love).

    1. It is kind of surprising what you find when you take a good look at your shelves. I often forget what adventures are waiting on them.
