
Sunday, October 14, 2018

Spookathon Readathon Sign Up & Updates

I have really been enjoying some darker books than are my norm, and I have a bunch more on my TBR for this month so I thought I would join the Spookathon Readathon hosted by Books and Lala, you can check out all the information in her announcement video on Youtube. The readathon will run from October 15th through October 21st this year (and as you know I love week long readathons that can fit my schedule).

So this post is going to be my base for the week, I will try to come back and update it every few days with my progress (as I already have a lot of posts planned for this week and don't want things too jumbled up).  I will also be updating on Instagram @EasternSunset9

The Challenges

1. read a thriller
2. read a book with purple on the cover
3. read a book not set in the current time period
4. read a book with a spooky word in the title
5. read a book with pictures

Books to Read

Not Even Bones - Thriller

This Monstrous Thing - Purple on the Cover/Not Current Time Period

The Haunted House Next Door - Spooky Word in Title

Other Possible Books

Escaping From Houdini - Other Time Period/ Purple on Cover
Practical Magic - Purple on Cover
Apprenticeship of Victor Frankenstein - Other Time Period/ Spooky Word in Title
Sleepy Hollow & Other Short Stories - Thriller


Number of Pages I've read today: 320 pages
Total Number of Pages: 320 pages
Time spent reading today: 2 hours
Total number of books I've read:  3
Books completed: 3 (Frankie Stein Starts School, Haunted House Next Door, Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde Graphic Novel)
Thoughts: I got off to a bit of a slow start, a typical Monday at work didn't allow for any reading time.  But I did manage to read after everyone went to bed last night and completed 2 of the challenges so far (Spooky Word in the Title & Book with Pictures).  I am starting Practical Magic today for Purple on the Cover and I am also planning to start Not Even Bones tonight. We will see how far I can get today.


Number of Pages I've read today: 166 pages
Total Number of Pages: 486 pages
Time spent reading today: 1.5 hours
Total number of books I've read: 6
Books completed: 3 (Frankie Stein Starts School, The Haunted House Next Door, Dr. Jekyll & Mr, Hyde Graphic Novel)
Thoughts: While I didn't get as much reading time yesterday, I certainly expected to get more reading done than I did.  I started off listening to an audio book of Practical Magic, only to find out it was abridged and flipping back and forth between it and the ebook wouldn't work, so I am now just reading the ebook version. I started the audio book for Escaping From Houdini instead and I am really enjoying it and have gotten almost a quarter of the way through the book.  I also started the Sleepy Hollow book (and finished the title story), but again there are issues, this book has tiny print and very narrow margins so the pages seem to take forever to read, adding on to the already overly descriptive language of the era made for a very tedious read.  But today is a new day and I plan to get at least halfway done with both Practical Magic and Escaping From Houdini and read one more of the short story collections in Sleepy Hollow.

Number of Pages I've read today: 0
Total Number of Pages: 486
Time spent reading today: 0
Total number of books I've read: 
Books completed: 
Number of Pages I've read today: 158
Total Number of Pages:  644
Time spent reading today: 3 hours
Total number of books I've read: 6
Books completed: 3 (Frankie Stein Starts School, Haunted House Next Door, Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde Graphic Novel)
Thoughts:  I have been really bad this week about reading, we had a bit of an issue over the past couple of days with no heat or hot water and have been trying to get things fixed. So reading has taken a bit of a back seat to huddling up and staying warm. Last night we finally had heat so I stayed up and listened to more of Escaping from Houdini, I am nearly 60% done and I hope to get near finishing at least that book tonight. Dewey's Readathon kicks off tomorrow so other than soccer and maybe continuing to help work on the hot water part, I hope to be able to read a bunch more.
Number of Pages I've read today:
Total Number of Pages:  
Time spent reading today: 
Total number of books I've read:  
Books completed:  
Saturday & Sunday
Number of Pages I've read today:
Total Number of Pages: 
Time spent reading today: 
Total number of books I've read: 
Books completed: 

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