
Thursday, October 25, 2018

Review of The Frankenstein Adventures by Bil Richardson

Read for: Requested Review & Frankenstein!

Synopsis: "This is the story of Frankenstein told from the vantage point of Igor, the bumbling, brave boy who will risk everything to save his master’s flawed creation. Hilarious and heartwarming – this is a book that will make you stand up and cheer one minute and fall down laughing the next. Igor’s heart is in the right place even though parts of his body aren’t. He is a loveable, lopsided fellow who has more courage and strength than any of the adults who look down on him. When things go wrong with his boss’s “experiment,” Igor sees it as his duty to save the day – even though most days he is the one who needs saving. Our hilarious hero has to overcome enormous odds on his mission to rescue the most important achievement in human history – the creation of life. Follow Igor on his amazing adventure to prove that he is more than just a not-so-pretty face. This book is being released in conjunction with the 200th anniversary of the original Frankenstein’s first publication."

My Review: When Bil Richardson contacted me regarding this book, I jumped at the opportunity. I am a huge fan of the original work by Mary Shelley and love reading new adaptations. This one is meant for a middle grade audience but I love how it is written to appeal to that audience, especially reluctant readers, but it is still very enjoyable as an adult. If you are looking for a close re-telling of the original story with only a twist or two, this is not the book for you, this one takes some of the original characters and a few events from the original story and adds a whole lot more to the story. I loved the addition of Igor to the story and his perspective, he is loyal and kind, hard working and takes things very literal. The story kicks off with a very entertaining scene with him and Victor Frankenstein, and it sets a fun tone to the story with a comical element that will really attract young boys who haven't found their book yet. The story takes us on quite a journey but the main theme throughout falls back to the support and loyalty of friends and family and choosing between right and wrong. This was definitely a fun story that I really enjoyed.

My Rating: I thoroughly enjoyed this adaptation, I loved both the light comedic moments as well as the darker more serious elements of the story. I also like how this makes the same themes of the original story more approachable for a younger audience. I give this on a rating of Four Paws!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author, the above is my honest and unbiased opinion.

To find out more about Bil Richardson and his work you can visit his Goodreads Page or Website.

The Frankenstein Adventures was recently released and you can obtain your own copy to read now in print format from Amazon or in ebook direct from Bil Richardson's Website or of course ask for it at your favorite bookstore or library!


  1. You’re much more patient with adaptions then I am. I love the original so much and have it on a pedestal. Retellings and adaptations tend to make me mad. :(

    1. The original will forever rise above all others, but I can appreciate a good retelling or adaptation. They need to present a new perspective and not try to re-create the original. I really enjoy prequel or after the end types the best. I will be the first to admit though some times they really miss the mark!
