
Friday, October 19, 2018

Friday Face-Off: If I cannot inspire love, I will cause fear!

Friday Face Off was originally the brain child of Books By Proxy but you can check Lynn's Books the co-host for the most recent updates and topics.  The plan is to use the theme of the week and pick a book with different covers and pick the best. 

This week's prompt is all about horror books, and with the phrase I could totally go with Frankenstein, but I am sure you are all getting sick of seeing the same thing from me all the time, and I have a full week of Frankenstein coming up starting next week.  So I decided to go with an oldie but goodie, one of my favorite books from back when I was in high school . . . 

Silence of the Lambs

The foreign editions got some truly amazing covers for this book and I am honestly a little jealous with the pretty standard mass paperback copy on my shelf.  And honestly, I am going to cheat because I could only narrow it down to 2 favorite covers.

Have you read the Hannibal Lecter series? Which cover would you want on your shelves?

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