
Saturday, October 20, 2018

Fall 2018 Dewey's 24 Hour Readathon Kick Off

I am here ready to kick off my readathon today. I am going to have less time than I expected for reading today, between soccer, repairing the heat and hot water and a birthday party to take Munchkin to, I am going to have to squeeze my reading in some how.

But it is 8:00am here and I am going to squeeze in a little reading, hopefully start and finish Adventures of Laura and Jack before heading out to soccer. The plan is to maybe listen to an audio book while watching his game and then coming home to warm up with a cup of tea and read A Cup of Christmas Tea before starting on repairs.

As a note, I probably won't have time to update here, but you can follow what updates I can post over on my Instagram @EasternSunset9

I am looking forward to even a little reading time today.  So what are you reading to start your Dewey Day?