
Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Top 5 Wednesday: Books for My Younger Self - Scholastic Book Club Edition

Top 5 Wednesday is a group on Goodreads hosted by Sam from Thoughts on Tomes on Youtube.

Gosh it seems ages since I last posted a Top 5 Wednesday, but I could not pass up this week's topic.  The topic for the week are books for our younger selves, books we wish we had read when we were younger.  Now of course I can never properly obey the rules, I received my son's first Scholastic Book Order sheet for this school year and of course got all the nostalgic feels from it. I thought instead I would post the top 5 books that my younger self would order. 

When I was a kid I used to drool over the Scholastic Book Order sheets, it was way better than the JC Penney Christmas Book for me, but we didn't always have money for all the books, but sometimes I would get to pick one or if I was really good 2 things.  I have always been horse and magic obsessed so that really decided a lot of my picks, and I was always attracted to the cute stuffed animals and the stationery and colorful pens. 

 So upon looking at this months fliers here are the Top 5 Books my younger self would have picked:

I'm not gonna lie, I kind of want that reading headlamp now! And these books look so cute (you may end up seeing a series review in the future LOL)

Seriously who could resist this adorable kitten, and you get a cat ear headband?! Sign me up!

Yup, would have wanted to read them all and I would have used the heck out of that unicorn pen!

For slightly older me, I would have totally wanted this book, black horses were always a dream for me, and a necklace to go with the book?! Yup totally up my alley!

Awe, this book looks so cute and one that I really might get anyway as it seems like a great one for young kids.

As a bonus I would have wanted these non-book items so bad, and may have been annoying to my mother begging for them!

I honestly may order some of these books 'for my nieces' just so I can relive my childhood a little before wrapping them up for Christmas.

So what books would you want your younger self to read? Or what books would your younger self have liked that are out now?


  1. I'd have been in line with you over Free Reign!

    Great take on the topic!

    Lisa @

    1. Lisa, it looks so perfect for my young (and honestly current) horse obsessed self!

  2. Yep! Those book orders were worn away from me ogling them. I never could afford anything but I wished I could so bad!

    1. I loved looking at those little pamphlets over and over, just drooling over the books I wanted.

  3. Your younger self has great taste!

    1. Haha, I bet younger me and Gnome would have been great friends!
