
Friday, September 14, 2018

Bedtime Story: Dinosaur Train by John Steven Gurney

Read for: Children's Book Challenge

Synopsis: "All Aboard!Have your tickets ready for the most exciting ride of your life on the Dinosaur Train!"

My Review: Munchkin picked this book out at the library. It was a fun concept, dinosaurs on a train but it just didn't fit. The little boy likes dinosaurs and trains and they were just smashed together. It would have been nice to have a little more of an explanation, even Munchkin was asking why the dinosaurs were on the train, why they were wearing clothes and if they were driving. It was fun to see the little boy direct the dinosaurs how to fix the train but all in all it wasn't for us.

My Rating: We weren't such a big fan of this book, maybe it would have been better when he was younger but there wasn't enough to it for Munchkin now.  We give it a rating of Two Paws.

Good Night! Sweet Dreams!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry this was disappointing and confusing. That cover is awesome though!
