
Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Top 5 Wednesday: Road Trip Books

Top 5 Wednesday is a group on Goodreads hosted by Sam from Thoughts on Tomes on Youtube.

This week's topic is all about that summer road trip. I think this topic is kind of a wide open topic, you could take it as meaning books about road trips or good books for road trips.  Since I mostly read fantasy and not really contemporary which have actual roads and cars, I figured I would post a list of the top 5 "trip" fantasy books.  For me a road trip is more about how you grow as a person or as a relationship with others while on the road and not the destination. So I am featuring fantasy books where the characters really grew on their journeys and where it was about what happened on that journey rather than the end result.

The Little Prince
I read this book last year, and while it wasn't my favorite book; I can't deny that it is an epic road trip where the character learns so much about himself and the world around him.

The Reader
The Reader has become one of my favorite books and is part of one of my favorite series, and while there is a lot more than a road trip going on in this book, I cannot deny how the journey Safia changed her as a person and her understanding of her roots and the world around her.

The Tale of Birle
Pretty much this entire book is about a journey and how Birle had to adapt and change as she traveled through foreign lands.  She also discovers how different the world is outside of the home she knew.

The Aglaril Cycle
The Aglaril Cycle is a series by a local author that I have been following since the beginning. It is very much like the classic fantasy books involving a great quest and an unlikely band of characters. I have really enjoyed this particular group of characters and how they have developed both as individuals and as a group in their journey.

The Hobbit
Of course you had to have known this book was coming right?! This is the ultimate fantasy road trip book.  Again an unlikely band of characters that grow as individuals and together as they travel on a great quest, is this not the definition of a road trip?!

So what are your top 5 road trip books?


  1. I need to read The Reader!! So many books!

    1. Yes!! Read the Reader and The Speaker, the final book Storyteller comes out in a few months!
