
Friday, July 6, 2018

Friday Face-Off: The North Wind doth Blow, and We shall have Snow

Friday Face Off was originally the brain child of Books By Proxy but you can check Lynn's Books the co-host for the most recent updates and topics.  The plan is to use the theme of the week and pick a book with different covers and pick the best.  I have been wanting to participate for some time but keep forgetting, but when I saw this week's topic I knew I had to schedule the post right away.

So this week's prompt is windswept covers. 

I thought this was pretty easy, my first thought was I have a book waiting on my shelf called Windblowne, but of course it only has one cover.  So I went through the rest of my TBR list books searching for a windswept cover, that there were also multiple editions of and came across . . . 

Rose Under Fire


There are a surprising number of cover designs for this book and I am not sure the symbolism of the red on almost all of them other than her name. 

I think my favorite is:
I think this cover blends all the elements beautifully and I love the text line.

Which is your favorite?  Have you read Rose Under Fire? If so which cover do you think captures the story the best?


  1. Since I wasn’t a huge fan of Code Name Verity I doubt I’ll read this one but I do like the covers. I think I like the first one best.

    1. I didn't realize you weren't a fan, I have both of them on audio to read this year. I think that first one is the most readily available cover.

  2. This is a really cool idea. I like the top right one the best, but I haven't read the book.

    1. I think that was my second, I like when all the elements are combined.
