
Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Review of A Court of Frost and Starlight by Sarah J. Maas

Read for: Recent Purchase

Reviews of Previous Books:

Synopsis: "Feyre, Rhys, and their close-knit circle of friends are still busy rebuilding the Night Court and the vastly-changed world beyond. But Winter Solstice is finally near, and with it, a hard-earned reprieve. 

Yet even the festive atmosphere can't keep the shadows of the past from looming. As Feyre navigates her first Winter Solstice as High Lady, she finds that those dearest to her have more wounds than she anticipated--scars that will have far-reaching impact on the future of their Court."

My Review: I wasn't really sure if I would be picking up this book after the disappointment of A Court of Wings and Ruin. I was again a little disappointed, even with lower expectations. I appreciate the way this novella does handle the struggle in the aftermath of war. I understand each character has different roles to play and different ways of dealing but with the way the inner court had been presented in earlier books I would have expected them to be a little closer to each other and a little more involved with each other. I absolutely loved when they were all together but it was all too brief in this book. The whole Feyre and Rhys gift giving was all too predictable, I saw what was coming from the beginning of the book and it just felt cliche and a let down. Some of the characters also lacked their usual depth and spark which left them really flat on the page, why keep them around if they are going to be half-heartedly thrown in? Really, all around a lack luster book for me. It seems the next books will take on a bit of a darker and more angst ridden tone that is being set in this book. I really honestly don't know if I will continue.

My Rating: I know there are a lot of opposing opinions on this book, I kind of land somewhere in the middle. I appreciate what was done in this book, showing the rebuilding process after the war and some celebration, but at the same time the characters all fell a little flat for me. I give it a rating of Two Paws and a Stump Wag.


  1. Sorry you’re losing interest in this series. I’d heard such good things. One day I’ll try it.

    1. I really loved the first two books, I loved both the Beauty and the Beast and Persephone and Hades elements and the way they were woven into each of the books. I also loved the characters and the world. But the third book really took an odd turn and characters started acting different and the consequences of the war were not hard hitting enough, she drew back from the edge and it made it so disappointing. I would still really recommend at least the first two books and the third book to get a bit of a conclusion.
