
Sunday, May 6, 2018

April 2018 Challenge Update & May TBR

Can you believe it is May already?! I don't think I can even express what a fantastic reading month I had in April! Nearly all the books were at least 4 Paw books if not more. It was a very satisfying month for me reading wise. But I really gotta get cracking on setting up the RI Author month next year! I was hoping to have at least 3 to 4 author interviews for all of you but I haven't even come up with questions yet (or read some of the books yet).  But besides that I am definitely doing great on my challenges, the Audio book challenge is definitely blowing things out of the water this year! I do really need to to watch the books coming in though, I am pretty happy with the fact that I have read about half of the books that have come in so far but still there are too many coming in!

Children's Book Challenge:
30 - 40 books

Early Reader Challenge:
30-40 books

Graphic Novel Challenge:
23-28 books

Audio Book Challenge:
28-32 books

Classics Challenge:
5 books (1 re-read)

Series Challenge:
4 full series & 6 duologies
Memoirs of Lady Trent Series (5 books & 1 novella): Book 1Book 2Book 3Book 3.5Book 4Book 5 - COMPLETE
Butler VT/Green Mountain Series (9 books & 2 novellas): (Books 1-3 read in 2017) Book 4Book 4.5Book 5Book 6Book 7Book 8 Book 9 - COMPLETE (currently)
Nevernight Chronicles (3 books so far): Book 1Book 2
Winternight Trilogy (3 books): Book 1Book 2
Unicorn's Secret (8 books): Book 1Book 2Book 3Book 4
Ree Verakai Duology (2 books): Book 1Book 2 - COMPLETE
Ixian Chronicles: Book 1
The Selection Series (5 books & collection of novellas): Book 1Book 2Book 3
Kingdom of Wrenly (13 books so far): Book 1Book 2Book 3Book 4Book 5Book 6Book 7,
Compass Boys Series (4 Books): Book 1Book 2, Book 3

Requested Reviews:
No more than 25

TBR Challenge:
50-75 books that I already own as of 12/31/2017
28. Godsgrave

Books Added to Shelves in 2018:
As I read the books I purchase this year I will add a link (I will also note the month they were purchased/ read)
1. Plague of Giants (Jan./April)
2. Moonsilver (Jan./ Jan.)
3. Silver Thread (Jan./Jan.)
4. The Silver Bracelet (Jan./ Jan.)
5. Mountains of the Moon (Jan./ Feb.)
6. Practical Magic (Jan./)
7. I Love My Love (Jan./ Feb.)
9. Gods of the North (Jan./March)
10. We Have Always Lived in a Castle (Jan./)
12. Heart on Fire (Jan./ Jan.)
13.To the Sky Kingdom (Feb./ )
15. Letters from Wolfie (Feb./March )
16. Ketchup Clouds (Feb./ )
17. Dead Man's Walk (Feb./ )
18. Luck Love and Lemon Pie (Feb./ )
19. Beartown (Feb./ )
21. Listen, Slowly (Feb./March) - DNF
22. Ravenous (Feb./ ) - UNHAUL
23. Monstrous (Feb./March )
24. The Astounding Broccoli Boy (Feb./March )
25. Terrier (Feb./ )
26. Lonesome Dove (Feb./ )
27. As Brave as You (Feb./ March )
28. Smuggler's Run (Feb./Feb. )
29. The Lost Stone (Feb./March )
30. The Scarlet Dragon (Feb./ March)
31. Sea Monster (Feb./March )
32. Daughter of the Pirate King (Feb./ )
33. The Wolves of Winter (Feb./ )
34. Heaven on Earth (Feb./ Feb. )
35. Into the Fire (Feb./ March)
36. Still Waters (Feb./April )
37. Red Sister (March/March)
38. Reflections of Yesterday (March/)
39. Sleeping Giants (March/)
40. Heir to the Jedi (March/April)
41. Jedi Search (March/)
42. Heart of Iron (March/April)
43. Here Comes the Sun (March/April)
44. Hermes: Tales of the Trickster (March/ March)
45. The Witches Curse (March/March)
46. Emma's Dream (March/)
47. Eko (March/)
48. Star Wars: Moving Target (March/)
49. Caging Merrow (March/)
50. The Fifth Season (March/)
51. His Dark Endeavor (March/)
52. The Traveling Cat Chronicles (March/)
53. Greedy Pigs (March/)
54. Lustlocked (March/)
55. Black Powder War (March/)
56. Throne of Jade (March/)
57. The Scandalous Mackenzies (March/)
58. The Stolen Mackenzie Bride (March/)
59. The Wicked Deeds of Daniel Mackenzie (March/)
60. Lady Castle (March/)
61. Frankenstein Alive, Alive (March/)
62. Frankenstein Alive Alive Trio (March/)
63. Long Walk to Valhalla (March/April)
64. Hard to Serve (March/)
65. Mastering Her Senses (March/)
66. Theirs to Take (March/)
67. The Sapphire Affair (March/)
68. The Joy of Less (April/)
69. Nightblade's Vengeance (April/)
70. Circe (April/)
71. Tomorrowland (April/)
72. The Wolf (April/)
73. My Lady's Choosing (April/)
74. Sweet Dreams, Sweet Death (April/)
75. Sky in the Deep (April/April)
76. Beyond the Darkened Shore (April/)
77. Defiant Heir (April/)

March Reading Stats:
I read a total of 27 books this month
3,812 pages read and 2 days, 4 hours and 30 minutes of listening

Resolutions Check in:
1. Read Less Books: I read 27 books in the month of April this year (I didn't do a wrap up last year but I don't think it was less than this year! - Check!
2. Be More aware while reading: I have continued flagging or jotting down quotes, I haven't been great about noting character or plot points I like but we all start somewhere -  Check!
3. Read More Chunky Books (12 books over 450 pages in 2018): I read the biggest book so far this year at 626 pages as well as another over 450 pages and 2 more very close- Check
4. Use Library & Overdrive more: Guess what?! I am getting better at this, I borrowed 5 books this month that I don't own! - Check!
5. Purge & Re-organize shelves: I didn't DNF any books this month because all in all it was a fantastic reading month, but I did reorganize one shelf and put 14 Graphic Novels in the Unhaul pile as well as 10 other books from my shelves - Check!


Last month I read nearly all of the books on my TBR pile, except the RI author books, which I really needed to read!! That will be just about the only thing on my TBR this month so I can prep for next month.  I will also be re-reading some books in preparation for some of my most anticipated books being released soon!

Secret Hunger by Satin Russell
One White Lie by Jeannette Winters
The Red Racecar by Thom Ring
Eko by Loren Walker
Emma's Dream by M. Lee Prescott
The Sorting Room by Angelina Miller
Three Shoeboxes by Steven Manchester
Circe by Madeline Miller
The Reluctant Queen by Sarah Beth Durst
From a Certain Point of View (various authors)
The Trail by Ray K. Anderson
Mask of Shadows and Ruin of Stars by Linsey Miller
Daughter of the Pirate King by Tricia Levenseller
The Wolves of Winter by Tyrell Johnson

What books are you reading in May? Are you booked with finals? Heading out on vacation? Or pre-occupied with Spring Cleaning? How do you fit in reading time?


  1. Impressive stats as usual. I’m heading off to a much needed weekend get away next week. One where I might actually get some reading done!

    1. I am so jealous!! Usually I plan to read a bunch on vacation but end up barely touching a book because the family is constantly around. I need an alone book vacation.
