
Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Top 5 Wednesday: Auto-Buy SFF Authors

Top 5 Wednesday is a group on Goodreads hosted by Sam from Thoughts on Tomes on Youtube.

So this week's topic is a list of the Science Fiction/ Fantasy authors who you will automatically buy books by. Now this topic could easily get out of control for me, there are many authors that I auto buy from and I recently posted about some of those newer authors.  So I thought I would make it a bit more difficult and shine some light on some truly consistent favorites, so for my list not only to they have to be auto-buy SFF authors but I must have also read multiple books from more than one series. Some of my favorite authors (and auto buy authors) may not be on this list because I have only read one series or even only one book by them so far.  

Tamora Pierce
Tamora Pierce was the author who originally got me into fantasy and she has always had a special place on my shelves. I have read many series by her, mostly in the Tortall world but still multiple series.  I have gotten a little behind on her books but I have been picking up all her newest releases.

Garth Nix
Garth Nix was another one of those authors who really got me into fantasy, I read Sabriel shortly after finishing Tamora Pierce's Song of the Lioness series, and it cemented my love for fantasy.  Again, being as there was no internet when I originally read him, I didn't realize how many books he had out, I have been slowly picking up backlist titles but I have definitely been auto-buying each new book he release, especially since he has returned to the Old Kingdom!

Marie Brennan
Marie Brennan has become one of those accidental Auto-buy authors, I didn't realize how many books I had read by her, granted 7 of them were in this year alone. She has quickly become one of my favorite fantasy authors, she has such a wide range of books and they have all been great so far.  Because she is newer to me I do have a lot of back list to catch up on but I will definitely be buying every new book she releases!

Maria V. Snyder
I am a huge fan of Maria V. Snyder's Ixian Chronicles, and granted I have only read series from that world and I haven't ventured into her SciFi series Insiders but I definitely love her fantasy and will be picking up her next book that comes out in 2019!

Kristin Cashore
Now you had to know this was coming, The Graceling Trilogy, Fire in particular, are ranked pretty high up on my favorites, so without a doubt Kristin Cashore is an auto-buy author for me no matter what she puts out.  Now admittedly I have not read Jane, Unlimited yet, it is on the shelf mocking me right now.

Honorable Mention: Robin D. Owens
I wanted to include Robin D. Owens because I absolutely loved these two series by her and would auto buy any new books in these series and would definitely try other books by her; however, her most recent series Mystic Circle was not for me and I can't say I would fully auto-buy from her because I won't be continuing that series which is the one currently in progress. I have also not read her other current series Ghost Seer, I might give that one a shot.  But everything else is definitely up for trying.

So who are your auto buy authors in SF/F? I am sure by the end of the year I will have a big list of new auto buy authors but am always looking for more great recommendations!


  1. I want someone else to read Jane Unlimited so we can discuss!

    1. Okay, I will get on that! I do need to read it and I am sure I will enjoy it, just afraid I have set the standards too high. I will make sure it is on the May TBR!
