
Saturday, April 7, 2018

Graphic Novel Review of Hermes: Tales of the Trickster by George O'Connor

Read for: Graphic Novel Challenge, Love this Series & Goodreads Giveaway

Synopsis: "In volume ten of Olympians, George O’Connor delves into the myth of Hermes, the trickster god. From his infancy, when he bewitches animals and bends them to his will (stealing a herd of Apollo’s prize cattle in the bargain), to his adolescence and adulthood when he becomes father to the equally mischievous Pan, Hermes’s story is wildly entertaining as he brings a little bit of chaos to everything he touches or creates. This volume is sure to be a fan favorite with its wit, charm, and storytelling."

My Review: I have so been enjoying this series of graphic novels and was excited when I won this one in the Goodreads Giveaway. I had know a bit about Hermes from my previous knowledge of Greek Mythology but this really expanded my knowledge. I like how this one is presented as a traveler telling stories about Hermes and his adventures, and the way the stories are within a story within a story, very suiting to the tricky Hermes. We get to see a lot of the different sides of Hermes personality throughout this one and it does a great job of presenting his story. I have to say it also does a great job of introducing the other gods and goddesses involved in this story to readers who are not as familiar with mythology, it doesn't dumb it down but it makes the tales very approachable. You also don't really need to read this series in order which is another great plus. I highly recommend this series and I can't wait for more!

My Rating: I have loved this series and this book is no different.  We are now getting to the gods and goddess I know less about and I found this GN to be very informative and approachable.  I give it a rating of Four Paws!


  1. Fun! I love Greek Mythology.

    1. This would be a fun series for you to check out then, even though it is graphic novel format and I know you aren't super into them.
