
Friday, April 13, 2018

Bedtime Story: Zen Ties by Jon M. Muth

Read for: Children's Book Challenge

Synopsis: "Summer has arrived -- and so has Koo, Stillwater's haiku-speaking young nephew. And when Stillwater encourages Koo, and his friends Addy, Michael, and Karl to help a grouchy old neighbor in need, their efforts are rewarded in unexpected ways. 

Zen Ties is a disarming story of compassion and friendship that reaffirms the importance of our ties to one another. "

My Review: We had enjoyed the original book in this series, Hi, Koo! and it's introduction into Haiku poetry. This one has a couple in them but isn't written in it entirely, and without knowing that is how Koo talks from the previous book it would have been a bit confusing. I did like the message of the story, that Stillwater gives the children without actually saying anything specific. With that said it was much more enjoyable as an adult than as a kid, it was a bit too long for Munchkin and lacked much of anything to hold his attention.

My Rating: While I like the message behind the story and the touches of Haiku, it really lacks the ability to convey the message to young children with short attention spans.  We give it a rating of Two Paws.

Good Night! Sweet Dreams!

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