
Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Top 5 Wednesday: Books I am Pre-Ordering

Top 5 Wednesday is a group on Goodreads hosted by Sam from Thoughts on Tome on Youtube.

Today was a freebie topic, any past topic you wanted or something else you wanted to post about.  I have been meaning to post about the books I am so excited about that I want to pre-order for a while but just never seem to get the post together.  Since I have already received 2 of my pre-orders for the year (Heart on Fire by Amanda Bouchet and Heart of Iron by Ashley Poston), I figured I better get this post up before the spring release rush starts!  This isn't exactly a comprehensive list, I may add a few more as the year goes on but these are ones that I have already planned and budgeted to be pre-ordered.

So we will start with the releases coming the soonest.

Last year I read Tethered Mage in the fall of last year and found it to be very unique and intriguing so I am really looking forward to this next book in the series! The Defiant Heir is scheduled for release on April 19th according to Goodreads, but April 24th according to Amazon, not sure which it is but by the end of April I will have this book in my hot little hands!

Also being released on April 24th is Sky in the Deep and even though I have an ARC of this one I am still going to pre-order it because #1 look at that cover and #2 Vikings! 

Reaper at the Gates is one of my most anticipated releases of the year, though I am a little frustrated with the cover change and kind of want the UK covers (the first one) but don't want to wait the extra time to get my hands on the book.  I will probably pre-order the audio book and wait for the UK cover (but I love the original covers of the first two books so will end up having mismatched covers). Anyway, this is the 3rd book in the Ember in the Ashes series which were my favorite reads of 2016 and I cannot wait for more Elias and Laia and Helene!!

August 1st cannot come soon enough!! I am so excited for the conclusion of the Mask of Shadows Duology, Ruin of Stars!  You better believe I am going to do everything I can to get my hands on an ARC of this so I don't have to wait that long for more Sal but either way I will definitely be pre-ordering this one!

(Cover not released but check out the sneak peek on Traci Chee's Facebook)
And finally, November 1st the final book in the Sea of Ink and Gold Trilogy, The Storyteller, will be released!! Both the previous two books were in my favorites of last year, this is such a carefully woven and built story and I am dying for the final book!!!

So there you have 5 of the books I am pre-ordering this year! I cannot wait to have all of these gracing my shelves and taking me off on grand adventures!!


  1. All of these covers appeal to me but Sky in the Deep looks awesome!!!

    1. Aren't they all great?! Of course they all had to be fantasy too, looks like I will have a busy reading year. I will let you know how Sky in the Deep is soon hopefully!

  2. All of those covers are amazing!

    1. I can't decide which one I like the best, but I am definitely attracted to ones with sharp weapons on them!
