
Monday, February 26, 2018

Middle Grade March Readathon Sign Up

Because I am just flat out crazy and on top of all the other readalongs and challenges I am joining this month, I came across one more that I just had to join, Middle Great March Readathon.  I came across this challenge on one of my favorite Youtube channels, Life Between Words.  You can check out the Readathon announcement in her video HERE or her co-hosts (BooksandJams) video HERE for all the exact details but here are the basics:

The Readathon runs from March 1st - 31st
The goal is to read as many middle grade books throughout the month of March as you can or like. 
There are a few live videos and a giveaway that you can find details for in their videos.
You can also use the hashtag #MiddleGradeMarch on Twitter and Instagram throughout the month

And of course there are some challenges:
1. Read an award winner
2. Read a book to movie adaptation
3. Reach a children's classic
4. Read a childhood favorite
5. Read a diverse book

So how about my TBR for the month:
In addition to Anne of Green Gables, I plan to read the following books this month

For the challenges I will be using:
1. Award Winner: Letters from Wolfie
2. Book to Movie: Anne of Green Gables 
3. Children's Classic: Wind in the Willows 
4. Childhood Favorite: TBD
5. Diverse Book: Listen, Slowly and/or As Brave as You

I adore Middle Grade books and find them to be some of the most influential and satisfying reads and I hope even if you aren't a big middle grade fan that you will try at least one this month!   
I will post updates throughout the month here and more than likely on Instagram as well.

What is your favorite Middle Grade book?


  1. Replies
    1. Hahaha I am feeling a little nuts, especially now that I started stacking up the TBR for the month!
