
Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Top 5 Wednesday: 2018 Reading Resolutions

Top 5 Wednesday is a group on Goodreads hosted by Sam from Thoughts on Tome on Youtube.

Well this couldn't have come at a better time since I haven't even thought about what I will be reading in the new year.  I need a week between last year and the new year to wrap things up and plan because 2018 started way to quickly! I don't know if it is a good thing or a bad thing that I haven't planned my year to a T yet.  Anyway, I am really letting my control go this year (we will see how long that lasts) and going with the flow for a change.  I do have a few reading resolutions though . . .

1. Read Less Books! I know I said this last year but I want to slow down on my reading and take my time to enjoy each book that I pick up.  (2016 I read 398 and 2017 340, so progress) 

2. Be more aware while reading.  This works with the previous goal, I want to be able to absorb what I am reading better. I want to be able to note favorite quotes and recall characters and plot twists after reading.

3. Read my chunky books.  I have so many big chunky books sitting on my shelves and I have had the itch to reach for adult fantasy lately so this will go hand in hand. I plan to read at least 12 books over 450 pages this year.

4. Use my library/overdrive more.  I purchased far too many books last year, and often books that I could have borrowed from the library. So while I have used my Overdrive app for several audio and ebooks this last year, I hope to use it more throughout this year.

5. Purge & reorganize my shelves.  Not really a reading goal but my bookshelves are a mess even after having re-organized them a little over a year ago.  I have even purged a bit in this last year but I plan to go through my shelves more thoroughly. Any book that is questionable that I want to keep and read will get a 1 chapter try to be added to the TBR shelf or be donated to the library.

So I know these are a little different for me and not really set in any definite numbers but I think this is the direction I want to go this year. How about you? What are some of your reading goals for 2018?


  1. Sounds like some good goals. I’m trying to be better at borrowing books rather than buying them too. Overdrive is a great help with that.

    1. I really do enjoy the overdrive app and it allows instant borrowing from any library in my state. Sadly my town's physical library is horribly lacking (I own more books that the library does). The only issue I have is that I like to binge read series but sometimes the wait list is too long for me, I read so much faster than most people and I hate waiting.

  2. Great goals! I want to purge some of my books too. I only want to own books I know I'll re-read several times.

    1. It is so hard to purge books, I have only been able to do it in the last few years. I have always been one of those people who keeps every book read, even books I dislike, and definitely never got rid of a book I hadn't read yet. But I am trying to be honest with myself, space is limited as is my time to read.
