
Thursday, December 7, 2017

Stress Free Holidays: Don't Send Christmas Cards

Welcome to my Stress Free Holidays series, I will be sharing some tips to reduce the amount of stress this time of year puts on all of us.  Some are ones I have used, some are ones I will be instituting this year, and some I will be using in the future.  If you have any great ways to reduce the amount of stress please feel free to share them with us!

I know some of you might be cringing with the thought of not sending out those cherished Christmas cards, but hear me out.  Christmas cards are a lot of work, expensive depending on the number and quality you send and they are a huge time suck when you already have a packed schedule.  Instead what I have taken to doing is now sending out New Year's Cards.  It is a bit of a weird concept to get used to but there are several reasons to make this shift.  First, you can narrow your list down to those who sent you cards over the holiday season.  Next, if you use photo cards you can include pictures from Christmas day and family gatherings.  In addition, you can also include a thank you note for any gifts or parties hosted.  And you can do this all after the chaos of Christmas when your stress level is down, time is more readily available and the postal system isn't as bogged down. Finally, your card will also receive a little more attention and appreciation, instead of being one of the masses that are glanced at and then put with the other cards, yours will arrive after the rush and between all those bills that are starting to flood the mailboxes, a little bright spot in the after holiday gloom of January. Honestly, it is a win win all around.  

Do you send out Christmas Cards? Or maybe an Annual Christmas Letter? 


  1. I love this idea too! I never do the family picture card though. I have tons of actual Christmas cards that I inherited. It’s really the only reason I send out cards. I wonder if anyone would mind that a Christmas card came after Christmas or if it will just look like I got them out late.

    1. I think it is fine to send a Christmas card after the actual day, especially since so many are available now that have simple winter scenes and generic sayings.
