
Monday, December 18, 2017

Advent Reads Day 19: Giveaway - The Christmas Shoes by Donna VanLiere

Welcome to Advent Reads!
This is an event I have had on my blog for several years running now.  Each evening I feature a different holiday themed book. Think of it as your Book Advent Calendar! I post a variety of holiday books including romance, children's, middle-grade, mystery, paranormal, and I try to find some that are other holiday celebrations than Christmas too. I hope you will stop by each evening to see what new book I have for you!

I am sure many of you have heard the Christmas song Christmas Shoes, about a little boy who wants to buy his mom new shoes for when she goes to heaven on Christmas Eve.  Well last year I discovered that there was a book based on that song and so I read it for Advent Reads last year, you can see my full review HERE.  The book is as emotional as the song is, if not more, I bawled my eyes out last year.  Upon writing my review, I then discovered that it was part of a series, so of course I had to start tracking down the books.  I will be reviewing the books for the first half of the series each night this week.  

I also thought it would be great to spread the love of the book and song by having a little giveaway.   To enter all you have to do is comment down below your favorite emotional holiday book or song.   This giveaway is open internationally, but you must be 18 or have your parents permission as a mailing address is needed.     The prize is a hardcover copy of the book The Christmas Shoes, a little travel size packet of tissues (you will need them, maybe all of them), a little chocolate pick me up for after the book and if I have time I will track down a pretty shoe ornament for your tree.

So how about it, what books and songs get you all emotional during the holidays?


  1. This song gets me every time! I didn't know there was a book! Is the book just sad or is there some happiness too?

    1. I get a little emotional whenever I read A Christmas Carol. The ending is so moving, and it makes my heart full.

    2. There is definitely some happiness to it but it is super sad too. I only get that way with the Mickey's Christmas Carol for some reason.
