
Friday, September 1, 2017

Bedtime Story: David Goes to School by David Shannon

Read for: Children's Book Challenge & Back to School

Synopsis: "David's teacher has her hands full. From running in the halls to chewing gum in class, David's high-energy antics fill each schoolday with trouble -- and are sure to bring a smile to even the best- bahaved reader."

My Review: We loved No David and the rest of the David books so far and I thought this would be a great one to read before Munchkin started kindergarten. As with the rest of the books in this set, they are great ways to start conversations about good behavior and what kids should and shouldn't do in different situations. Munchkin caught on right away having already been in a classroom situation about how the rules are different at school but not all that different at the same time. This is definitely a great one to read in preparation for school starting up again.

My Rating: These David books are so great for young kids, they are simple yet silly and great conversation starters.  We enjoyed this one and give it a rating of Four Paws!

Good Night! Sweet Dreams!

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