
Sunday, August 20, 2017

Bout of Books #20: Sign Up & Updates

I have been very busy with the readathons lately but Bout of Books is one I try to never miss. I love the flexibility of a week long readathon.  This time around it will be an extremely busy week and I will not be able to read from Friday through Sunday at least (maybe not even Thursday) so I will have only a few days to participate but I will still do the best I can.

Here is the information you need in case you want to sign up too!

The Bout of Books read-a-thon is organized by Amanda Shofner and Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal. It is a week long read-a-thon that begins 12:01am Monday, August 21st and runs through Sunday, August 27th in whatever time zone you are in. Bout of Books is low-pressure. There are challenges, giveaways, and a grand prize, but all of these are completely optional. For all Bout of Books 20 information and updates, be sure to visit the Bout of Books blog. - From the Bout of Books team


So this post is going to be my base for the week, I will continue to come back and update it each day with my progress (as I already have a lot of posts planned for this week and don't want things too jumbled up).  I will also be updating on Instagram @EasternSunset9

Time Devoted to Reading

I would like to read between 2-3 hours each day and read about 200 pages each day.
Averaging about 1.5 hours and work and another 1.5-2 at home after Munchkin goes to bed.

My Goals

Read a total of 1,000 pages
Read at least 2 hours each day
Read 4 books

Books to Read

Totally Joe - 224 pages
Lawn Boy - 88 pages
When Dimple Met Rishi - 380 pages
Saga Vol. 7 - 152 pages
Finish The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue - 360 pages remaining

Other Possible Books

Kings Rising - 385 pages
On the Chase - 416 pages
Under a Painted Sky - 10:11 (384 pages)
Songlines - 320 pages


Number of Pages I've read today: 23
Total Number of Pages: 23
Time spent reading today: 1/2 hour
Total number of books I've read: 1 (Totally Joe)
Books completed: None
Thoughts:  So I am off to a crawling start! I took Munchkin to see the solar eclipse at a planetarium about an hour away, I had planned on listening to an audio book to and from but he put the veto on that since he was trying to nap and it kept him awake.  By the time I got home (after long lines, a flat tire and lots of traffic) and finished my chores, I only had the energy to read for half an hour before crashing hard.  I had hoped to have a better Tuesday but it has been super busy in the office today too, so we will have to see how the rest of the day goes.


Number of Pages I've read today: 277 
Total Number of Pages:  300
Time spent reading today: 2.5 hours
Total number of books I've read: 3 (Tea Dragon Society, Totally Joe, Gentleman's Guide)
Books completed: 1 (Tea Dragon Society)
Thoughts: I got a little more reading in yesterday but not quite as much as I had hoped.  Luckily today should be a slow day at the office so I should be able to really start diving in.  I also woke up early to finish Totally Joe before work, it will go towards Wednesdays numbers but still very happy with that.

Number of Pages I've read today: 284
Total Number of Pages: 584
Time spent reading today: 2.5 hours
Total number of books I've read: 5 (Tea Dragon Society, Totally Joe, Gentleman's Guide, When Dimple Met Rishi, Lawn Boy)
Books completed: 3 (Tea Dragon Society, Totally Joe, Lawn Boy)
Thoughts:  Another not so great reading day, I was really hoping to have met most of my goals by now since the rest of the week will be super crazy.  I am really struggling to get into both When Dimple Met Rishi and Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue, neither seems to be meshing with my reading preferences. I will get a bit more reading done today and will hopefully get another good chunk of When Dimple Met Rishi and hopefully most of Gentleman's Guide too, I want to at least finish one of these books.
Number of Pages I've read today: 
Total Number of Pages:
Time spent reading today:  
Total number of books I've read: 
Books completed:  
Number of Pages I've read today:
Total Number of Pages:  
Time spent reading today: 
Total number of books I've read:  
Books completed:  
Saturday & Sunday
Number of Pages I've read today:
Total Number of Pages: 
Time spent reading today: 
Total number of books I've read: 
Books completed: 


I will not be participating in any of the challenges this time around, I am just have too much to do in prep for Munchkin's Birthday, Annual Summer Party and Best Friend visiting from out of state.


  1. You have a lot going on to try attempting this. I'm impressed. Enjoy what you read.

    1. It wasn't as productive as I had hoped but I am still glad I got a decent amount of reading done.
