
Thursday, June 22, 2017

Mid-Year Book Freak Out Tag

I have been seeing this tag pop up all over the place lately and while I wasn't tagged, I did want to participate.  I believe the original was created by ReadLikeWildfire on Youtube, but feel free to correct me if I am wrong.  Obviously I am updating it to be current to this year. So on with my freak out  . . . 

Best Book You've Read So Far in 2017
I always have a tough time with these questions because I have read nearly 200 books already this year and how do you pick just one top book? I have to go with A Man Called Ove though because it just hit so many things just right.  

Best Sequel You've Read So Far in 2017
I know I am late to this game but I absolutely loved this book, far more than I ever expected. I really disliked the Throne of Glass series (and actually gave up on it) so was hesitant to pick this series up but once I started I was so glad I did.  While I did enjoy the first book, this second one was fantastic! Now the third was a little bit of a disappointment but I won't go into that here.

New Release You Haven't Read, But Want To
For this one I have two answers, first I purchased Dawn Study when it first came out in January, the conclusion to one of my favorite series but I still haven't picked it up.  Second I was interested in Eliza and Her Monsters which just came out but after hearing so many awesome reviews I purchased it and now want to read it soon.

Most Anticipated Release of the Second Half of the Year
Again this was really hard, at first I was so excited that Kristin Cashore was coming out with a new book (Jane Unlimited), but the more I hear about it the less excited I am. I am still really anticipating it and will read it but it isn't as high on my priority list anymore.  One that is very high is Monstress Vol. 2 which comes out on July 11th.  I am also very excited for The Speaker by Traci Chee (the second book in The Sea of Ink and Gold series) is being released in November. I loved The Reader so much that I am going to the Boston Teen Author BookFestival just to meet her!

Biggest Disappointment
Again another hard choice, I have read a lot of disappointing books this year (I'm looking at you Harry Potter) but I think the biggest disappointment for me was The Book Thief, not that it was a bad book I just had expected to absolutely love it like everyone else but it wasn't a good fit for me at the time.

Biggest Surprise
I have had a few surprises this year, the ACOTAR series for one and then The Winner's Curse series but I think the biggest surprise for me was Heartstone by Elle Katharine White. It was a Pride and Prejudice retelling with a fantasy twist, now I really dislike Jane Austen so did not have any hope for this book but because it had dragons I gave it a try and I ended up really enjoying it!

Favorite New Author (Debut or New to You)
This is an easy one, now I have read a lot of new to me authors and a few debut but only one author that I went out and read every book she has released and requested upcoming releases on Netgalley, and that is Katie Ruggle

Newest Fictional Crush
Oh boy, here we go! I have so many new crushes, Archer from The Reader, Rhys from ACOTAR series and George Holloway from Gone Too Deep are the tops so far this year.

Newest Favorite Character
Again this is so hard, obviously all the leading men mentioned above but also Parvaneh, the cat and Ove from A Man Called Ove, Rory from Fan the Flames, Arin & Kestral from Winner's Curse series, Grady from More Than Peaches and Lord Blackheart from Nimona are among the top favorites!

Book that Made You Cry
Two books stand out to me this year that made me cry, A Man Called Ove was one but it was already mentioned a few times.  The other one was a debut called From Ant to Eagle by Alex Lyttle and it is guaranteed to make you cry!

Book that Made You Happy
I know this is going to see rather odd, but I think I have to go with Pancho Bandito and the Amarillo Armadillo for this one.  I have a real special place in my heart for tall tales and this one, while a new release, definitely has the feel of a classic Tall Tale and it has an armadillo!!

Favorite Book to Film Adaptation You Saw This Year
I don't see many movies and I haven't seen any book to film adaptations yet. But the favorite new to me movies I have seen so far this year are Moana and the new Beauty and the Beast.  I am going to finally watch the Harry Potter movies, Fantastic Beasts and Wonder Woman soon.

Favorite Review You've Written This Year
I always hate evaluating my own work, it is never quite to the level that I imagine it was, but I think my favorite review post was of The Reader by Traci Chee because I took a little more time to think about it and develop my opinion on it.

Most Beautiful Book You Bought (or received) This Year
I was going to say Norse Mythology for this one but I just received Finding Wonders in the mail yesterday and it is beautiful!

What Books Do You Need to Read by the End of This Year
You really don't want me to list all of the books I plan to read in the remainder of the year, but I will be continuing my Trilogy Challenge with the Grisha Trilogy, Code Name Verity Trilogy, The Black Jewels Trilogy The Pendragon's Banner TrilogyFinding WondersEliza and Her Monsters.  I also plan to read several of the books by the authors coming to the Boston Teen Author Book Festival in September that I will be attending (if anyone else is going and want to meet up please email me).  I will also be attending the Fall In Love With New England Conference in October and hope to read books by several of the authors attending this one too.  And here are a few more books I want to read this year . . .

So are you freaking out yet because half the year is already gone?! If you also post this tag please let me know so I can come check out your answers!


  1. I really need to try the ACOTAR series. I'm still sad The Book Thief disappointed you. I actually struggled with its slow pace the first time I read it. A reread was much better. Heart Stone sounds very interesting indeed. I'm an Austen fan so....

    1. I am a little sad about Book Thief too, I really think that now that I have read it once, maybe a re-read will raise my appreciation for it. I was really surprised with the ACOTAR series, after disliking her Throne of Glass series so much (though I was a little disappointed in the ending of the 3rd book). If you can't find Heartstone in your library let me know, I can send it to you to borrow ;)
