
Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Ringing in the New Year Book Tag

So I said I wanted to post more book tags because they always seem so fun! I was on a hunt for one for the new year, even though we are nearing mid January already and came across this Ringing in the New Year Tag.  Obviously, I wasn't tagged by anyone but wanted to participate anyway.

  • Link to the person who tagged you
  • Link to the creator of the tag – Rae @ Bookmark Chronicles
  • Share the tag image
  • Answer the questions below
  • Tag friends (or not if you don’t feel like it)
Best book and/or series that you’ve read in 2016
As I have said before the best book was There Was as Fire by Nancy Roy and series (though incomplete) is An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir
Authors that you’ve recently found and would like to read more of in the new year
I would love to read more by Sabaa Tahir but obviously we have some waiting time there.  I am really looking forward to reading the next two books in the King Killer Chronicles by Amanda Bouchet, her debut book A Promise of Fire blew me away!
Most anticipated book turned movie/tv show?
I don't really watch TV or Movies that much so I haven't paid much attention. The trailers for A Monster Calls looks fantastic, but I need to read the book. The one movie I cannot wait to see though is the new Beauty and the Beast!
Name a character that you wouldn’t mind sharing a kiss with at midnight (if there is one)
Obviously I was supposed to answer this before the New Year (funny now that I think about it I don't even think I kissed my husband at New Years!) Anyway of the books I read last year hmmm (I have such a hard time remembering all the characters) . . .I don't remember having serious crushes on any of the characters. I really liked Finn from Starry Night but I am not into the bearded thing, I also liked Elias from An Ember In the Ashes books but he is a little young for me. I am stumped really. If we go back in time to books I read before 2016, definitely Brigan from Fire, he will always remain my bookish boyfriend!
What’s on your TBR for 2017? (Top 5 will suffice if it’s an extremely long list!)
A Breath of Fire by Amanda Bouchet (and the 3rd book if it comes out)
The Winner's Trilogy by Maria Rutkoski
The Grisha Trilogy by Leigh Bardugo
The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
Of Fire and Stars by Audrey Coulthurst
OMG! I just realized that Kristin Cashore is supposed to be releasing a new book this year!!  Yup, Jane, Unlimited is now at the top of my list of MUST BUY books for the year!
How many books do you hope to read in 2017?
I would like to keep the number between 250 and 300 but I see that being a real challenge!
Will you participate in the Goodreads Reading Challenge or any others (PopSugar, Read the Books You Buy, etc.)
Goodreads of course, but I will also be trying to meet my own personal challenge of a Trilogy a month. Also where do I find this Read the Books You Buy Challenge? I think that sounds like a great one for this year (note to self: find this challenge!).
Any New Year’s Resolutions? (Bookish, blogging, and otherwise)
I really want to slow my reading pace down and absorb the books I read more, maybe take the time to re-read them even. I want to be one of those people who has favorite quotes, knows the plots front and back and feels a personal connection with the characters of the books they read. It happens sometimes with me but it really has to be an outstanding book read at just the right time for it to happen. I also want to slow down the posting on the blog and have more bookish content other than just reviews.
I am not going to tag anyone but please feel free to participate and let me know so I can see your answers too.


  1. Fun tag! I think I'll have to do it. I could use a good outline for a post like this. I totally think I skipped kissing my husband on New Years Eve too. Whoops! Yay for a new Kristen Cashore!

    1. It was a fun tag, a bit generic but still fun. Haha glad I am not the only one who forgot, in all fairness he didn't kiss me either. I cannot wait for Kristin Cashore's new book, I knew she has been working on something but didn't realize the release date was coming up!
