
Friday, January 6, 2017

Bedtime Story: Too Many Toys by David Shannon

Read for: Children's Book Challenge & Spoiled Munchkin definitely has TOO MANY TOYS!
Synopsis: "Spencer has too many toys! His father trips over them, his mother falls over them, and the house is overflowing with junk. Now its time to give some of the mountain of goodies away, but Spencer finds it hard. In the end, he fills a box, but decides the one toy he can't part with is the box!"

My Review: I picked up this book because we love the No David! books by the same author and I thought this would be a great way to transition some old toys out after Christmas. I think I enjoyed this book more than Munchkin because it pretty much sums up the battle we had over the last weekend, the negotiations of which toys to keep and which to pass on. It is a fun book when your own house is being over run with toys.
My Rating: While this book wasn't quite what I was expecting it still worked out well. Munchkin enjoyed it and kind of laughed because Spencer's Mom said the same things I did. We give it a rating of Three Paws.
Good Night! Sweet Dreams!

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