
Thursday, January 19, 2017

After Dark Review of The Edge of the Blade by Jeffe Kennedy

I have added After Dark Reviews to my blog as a way of notifying you of a review of a book with Adult themes and scenes. From now on I will keep my reviews of all books I read that have explicit scenes in them for late night posts for those of you who prefer to avoid them or easy to find for those of you who seek them out ;)
Read for: Requested Review/ Netgalley
Synopsis: "A HAWK S PLEDGE
"The Twelve Kingdoms rest uneasy under their new High Queen, reeling from civil war and unchecked magics. Few remember that other powers once tested their borders until a troop of foreign warriors emerges with a challenge . . ."
Jepp has been the heart of the queen s elite guard, her Hawks, since long before war split her homeland. But the ease and grace that come to her naturally in fighting leathers disappears when battles turn to politics. When a scouting party arrives from far-away Dasnaria, bearing veiled threats and subtle bluffs, Jepp is happy to let her queen puzzle them out while she samples the pleasures of their prince s bed.
But the cultural norms allow that a Dasnarian woman may be wife or bed-slave, never her own leader and Jepp s light use of Prince Kral has sparked a diplomatic crisis. Banished from court, she soon becomes the only envoy to Kral s strange and dangerous country, with little to rely on but her wits, her knives and the smolder of anger and attraction that burns between her and him . . ."

My Review: The first book in the Uncharted Realms series (Pages of the Mind) was my favorite book of 2016 so I was so excited to read this book. Unfortunately I was rather disappointed. This series is a branch off the original Mark of the Tala trilogy and while it wasn't necessary to read those books before Pages of the Mind, it was really needed for this book. There is a lot mentioned about the world, the characters and the backstory from those first three books, that if you hadn't read them (like me) you will end up completely lost and grasping for threads. The villain in this book is I guess the same that they fought all through the first trilogy so there is a lot of history there that you don't have if you hadn't read those books. With that said, there was plenty adventure and action for Jepp and the back and forth between her and Kral was rather entertaining. I would have liked the tension to have been built up a bit more before jumping into bed though. I do love a strong female character that stands by her values but Jepp was almost a little too headstrong for my liking, after reading Daphne's story and her looking at things from both sides, it was an abrupt change. Kral's view of women was so infuriating and I honestly don't think he developed an understanding in that aspect either by the end of the book. If you have read the first trilogy then you may enjoy this book so much better than I did and if you are looking forward to this one, I strongly suggest making sure you read them first otherwise you may end up confused and disappointed.
My Rating: Unfortunately, I am so disappointed in this book, I had really high hopes after reading Pages of the Mind but with out the backstory knowledge that was needed and little connection to the characters it was a real struggle for me.  I give it a rating of Two Paws.
I received this book via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
To find out more about Jeffe Kennedy and her other books you can visit her Goodreads Page and Website.
The Edge of the Blade was just released December 27, 2016, you can obtain your own copy in digital or print format from Amazon or Barnes & Noble

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