
Sunday, January 8, 2017

2016 Reading Stats

I have been pretty lazy about getting a wrap up done, and wanted to share a little of my reading stats with all of you since I went through so much trouble tracking most of it throughout 2016.
In 2016 I read a total of 398 books!
Of those books:
 41 earned 5 Star Ratings
196 earned 4 Star Ratings
126 earned 3 Star Ratings
32 earned 2 Star Ratings
3 earned 1 Star Ratings
(just using my goodreads ratings as opposed to my ratings here for ease)
68 were Children's Books
57 were Early Reader Books
26 were Middle Grade
48 were Young Adult
26 were Graphic Novels
46 were Fantasy
85 were Romance
36 were Audio Books
24 were by local Rhode Island Authors
I read a total of 45,468 pages
and listened to 277:16 hours of audio books equaling 11 days 13 hrs 16 mins
All in all it was a really great reading year! I have found out a little more about myself while reading this last year.  I am definitely a fan of fantasy, especially high fantasy and clearly romance. I have also found a real love for Middle Grade books, they seem to really tackle the tough issues head on and the authors of the genre don't seem to talk to their audience like they are stupid, which is really great because that age group while immature about a lot of things, they really aren't as naïve as the world likes to think.
How was your reading year last year? Did you find yourself liking one genre more than the others? Did you branch out and try new things?


  1. It seems like a lot of us are struggling to get our 2016 wrap up posts done. I know I am. Your numbers are so impressive. You always amaze me.

    1. After the absolute chaos and stress of the past few months, I just want to kick back and enjoy my books. I think the part that shocked me most was the audio book time! More than 11 days of audio book listening?! That's just nuts to me, but I loved every minute!
