
Monday, October 3, 2016

Magic Tree House Monday: Book 34 - Season of the Sandstorms

Welcome to Magic Tree House Monday!

Each Monday (other than when special events are planned) I will review one book of the Magic Tree House Series by Mary Pope Osborne.
We continue Jack and Annie's adventures in learning to use a little magic in our world. This time they travel to Baghdad and the middle east, they must travel by camel across the desert and face many dangers including raiders and sandstorms.
My Review: I really enjoyed this installment in the Merlin Missions. Jack and Annie had to rely entirely on their own knowledge and skills with only the help of their research book and book of rhymes. With all the negativity surrounding the middle east in today's media it is nice to be reminded it was at one point an important trade location. This was quite the adventure with plenty of danger, some magic and interesting characters and friends.
My Rating: Another great adventure in this series, I really do like how it touches on such a variety of places, modern, historical and magical. This book held up to the standard and I like how we are returning more to the research books, at least in this one. I give it a rating of Four Paws.

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