
Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Top 5 Wednesday: Books To Read Before the End of the Year

Top 5 Wednesday is a group on Goodreads hosted by Sam from Thoughts on Tome on Youtube.
I can't even remember the last time I have done one of these (or if I really ever have?) but I have been really enjoying Sam's videos every week so I finally caved when I saw this week's topic.  Speaking of the topic. . . .
Top 5 Books I want to read before the end of the year
Tale of Elske will complete this 4 book series that has had me pretty wrapped up all summer. It has been a unique reading experience with its slow pacing and epic journeys.  While it is fantasy, there hasn't been any magic or mystical creatures, just normal people accomplishing normal tasks that lead to amazing things.  I am really curious as to where this last book with take me.
Telep the Diamond is the third book in a fantasy series by a local author. I have really enjoyed the previous two books and am looking forward to reading this one. So far this series has had all the elements you expect in a fantasy series, elves, magic both good and dark, an unusual cast of characters coming together and an epic quest to save the kingdom.
Signed, Sealed, Delivered I had picked this book up at my local bookstore quite a while ago, before I even embarked on my focused letter writing. I have really been enjoying my journey with my pen pals and am looking forward to reading this book too.
I received Vienna Nocturne in my first BookCase Club box and it sounds like an amazing book and the cover is so beautiful that it draws my eye every time I look at my bookshelves.  I also think that the reading of this book will need a soundtrack and I am looking forward to this reading experience.
The Girls of Mischief Bay is the first book in a series by Susan Mallery, an author I have really enjoyed in the past.  I think from reading the synopsis that this book will really speak to the place I am in my life right now, and my relationship with friends and family.
I had to add one more honorable mention too
The Madman's Daughter is a book that has been sitting on my TBR for far too long. I have always been a huge fan of the Island of Dr. Moreau and am really intrigued as to what spin this book is going to put on the story of the island.


  1. Good Luck with all of these books! I hope you can get to all of them by the end of the year. :D My T5W! :D

    1. Thank you Giovanna! I really hope I can because they all sound so good.

  2. Looks like some good reads you need to get to. That top one is a series?! I'm intrigued!

    1. I am really looking forward to all of these books! The top one is the final book in the Tales of the Kingdom series by Cynthia Voigt, the first book was The Tale of Gwyn, the second was The Tale of Birle, and the third book was The Tale of Oriel. It is the super slow moving fantasy series I have been reading all summer.
