
Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Review of The Hike by Steven Manchester

Read For: Bout of Books & I love Steven Manchester's books
Note: This was a free download offered back in March, I don't believe it is available for sale on any sites currently).
Synopsis: Billy and his dog Jimmy set out for a lazy day hike, it is an opportunity for them to spend some quiet time together. Also for Billy to ponder the upcoming changes in his life as he nears high school graduation and all the choices he must make in the near future. An emergency situation changes that calm and lazy day in a way neither could have imagined at the start of it.
My Review: This is a short read and a prequel to The Changing Season, seeing as I have already read Changing Season I knew what the end would hold but that didn't stop me from getting emotional as the story unfolded. Manchester has this ability to grab your attention and emotions, connecting the story and characters with you in a very deep and meaningful way. Even though this is a quick story it still held a well rounded out plotline and full characters, you are left feeling satisfied but curious as to the full story.
My Rating: I was trying to find a different book in my kindle library when I saw this one (I had forgotten it was downloaded), but I am so glad I opened this one. As always, Steven Manchester, managed to bring some tears to my eyes and feel a depth of connection I am not always able to find, especially with short stories.  I give this one a rating of Four Paws and a Stump Wag!


  1. I haven't heard of Steven Manchester. Is there a cute dog in the story?

    1. There is a very sweet, old dog who is full of personality, he is really an important character. Steven Manchester writes a lot of contemporary novels that really hit your emotions, they often deal with familial matters either wedges formed between family members or the strength of family members. His books make me cry almost every time but they are so good!

  2. That's awesome that you decided to read it at the spur of the moment and it ended up being great. I love when that happens.

    1. I love when that happens too and it seems to be happening more frequently lately. I guess some times the book finds you instead of you finding the book.
