
Friday, August 26, 2016

Bedtime Story: The Gruffalo's Child by Julia Donaldson

Read for: Children's Book Challenge & Munchkin LOVES Gruffalo & is having a Gruffalo Birthday Party tomorrow!
Synopsis: "The Gruffalo said that no gruffalo should ever set foot in the deep dark wood. But one wild and windy night, the Gruffalo's child ignores her father's warning and tiptoes out into the snow. After all, the Big Bad Mouse doesn't really exist - does he?"

My Review: Munckin LOVES The Gruffalo, in fact he has requested a Gruffalo birthday this year, and we have seen the Gruffalo's Child movie numerous times. So we finally were able to pick this book up and it is right up there with the first book. It is a great follow up book with the same lovely rhyming and rhythm to the story and the same great illustrations. It is being added to the favorites shelf as we are going to be reading it just as often as The Gruffalo.
My Rating: This is such a great follow up to the original story. Munchkin is over the  moon about both books but he seems to prefer the movie of Gruffalo's Child better.  We can't help but give this one a rating of Four Paws and a Stump Wag!!
Good Night! Sweet Dreams!


  1. Happy Birthday to your Munchkin!

    Gnome loves the Gruffalo too. We haven't read this one! Have you read the one about the witch and the broomstick by the same author? It is cute!

    1. I love the Gruffalo, these books are so much fun. I haven't read Room on a Broom but we did watch the movie. I almost picked up the Snail and the Whale story this last weekend but ended up going with a bedtime pirate book instead.
